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Growing a new Pizza Shop in a High end mall

I’m with pizzasam and mike, get the tables and chairs in NOW. It’s kind of a chicken and egg situation, except that greatly increased sales will follow the introduction of more seating. It really doesn’t matter if the tables and chairs are initially mismatched or even scruffy (as long as they are clean and neatly arranged)—find them used in classified adds or on Craigslist (or it’s equivalent in your country). As sales and profits increase you can consider getting matching spiffy new stuff, but for right now more seating will equal more sales.

You also mentioned a liquor license. If there in no outlandish cost associated with getting that effort underway, you may want to also start the process now since there are usually delays and more red tape that will only cost you opportunity costs. Let a cold beer stimulate the sale of a large pie at the earliest possible kickoff. Good luck with the new business, and congratulations on being a willing listener.
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