Or what about the ones who want 1/2 Mexican (for the adults) and 1/2 Hawaiian (for the kids) and then complain because of the chilli sauce has seeped on to the kids side … or those who ask for no cheese on one half and then complain because they can “taste” cheese on the non cheese side or the cheese has melted a little over that side.wa dave:
I agree 1000%. It is trouble waiting to happen. I had a customer order a 1/2 veggy 1/2 meat lover and called back angry that there was some meat on the veggy 1/2 of the pizza. I explained there was no way to be absolutely certain when cutting the pizza that all the meat would be isolated from the veggy side. She cussed me out and said she would never order from me again. By the way she had used a gift certificate from a real estate agent so it was free to her.I HATE 1/2 & 1/2 !!! Always have, always will
Give me a break. The more they want something different the more they will find something to complain about.
Richard, old son, you got me on a roll now :lol:
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