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Halloween Friday... what are you going to do?

Good Morning Everyone! I do apologize for the plug and I promise not to advertise in posts. My reminder was geniune in that a lot of owners do overlook this. I do enjoy reading these topics but will keep my company out of it šŸ™‚ Again good luck to everyone on Halloween!!
I think you did just fine. You sent out a reminder of a meaningful issue and only then followed with a hint that you could help. Keep that sort of mentality, and no one should freak out at you. A couple of us are just hypersensitive about flagrant advertisers.

We got lots of vendor-type people floating around who participate and offer their services when the thread calls for it. George and Royce are examples of frequent contributors who occasionally mention their businesses when they can offer a solution.
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This is our 6th Halloween and we always do a $10.00 2 topping large pizza special.
We start taking orders the week before. Also run ads in local papers. This is for dine in or pick up ONLY.
Being a mom, I was concerned about my drivers delivering on this busy night with Trick or Treaters out and about. This means we will still have our regular friday customers for delivery but anyone wanting the $10. will have to pick up the order. This year food costs are making it tougher but our customers have come to expect us to offer this. It gets crazy but it is fun. Alot of prep, all hands on deck. We give out small ice cream cones as a treat. Mark the hands with a bingo marker because they always try to come back for moreā€¦ our night to ā€œgive backā€ a little. We usually tripple our sales for the night even though our park district gives out free hotdogs and hot chocolate. We also have a drawing to win a free pizza. I use this info to add to our customer
email list. Our busiest night of the year. Thanksgiving Eve is the 2nd busiest.
Now, off to find my costume!! (non flamable of course)
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Busier than usual Friday lunch shift, followed by very busy 4 oclock hour. Dinner rush included the second busiest hour that Iā€™ve ever had. If I have a good late night, I could have my 3rd or 4th busiest day ever.
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The scariest thing about this halloween is that I am still not open!!! I #$%^ well better make Christmas! LOL!
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We had Trick-or-treat night on Thursday. Gave away a cut of pizza or small drink to anyone in a costume. Great Night, lines out the door for over an hour. 35% increase over normal. Friday we had our 3rd highest sales in the 49 years we have been in business. Now I must restā€¦
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The scariest thing about this halloween is that I am still not open!!! I #$%^ well better make Christmas! LOL!
Same boat here. Construction bid came in today WAY more than we thought. Sigh.
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But waitā€¦there is still moreā€¦if you sign the contract in the next twenty minutes we will throw in a ton of cost over runs!!! Yes thats right a whole ton, but act fast because this offer is only available to the next sucker! LOL!
I now hold contractors in such high regards that they are now just below carnies! I don't know if I ever want to build from the ground up again! Oh well it has to end someday, and then I will finally get to open my doors! Good luck to you Dewar, I hope you have much smoother sailing than I am!
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Wow, what a day! I knew it was going to start early, but I wasnā€™t prepared for a 3PM slam. I think it was because most of the schools had minimum day today, so parents fed their kids extra early. I have never came this close to running out of dough than tonight. In the last hour, I was putting personal-sized dough balls together just to make the few last Larges that were ordered. If there was just one more hour of business, I think I definitely would have run out. We had our second best day ever!

I hope yours went well too.
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Actually our town did their halloween night on Thursday due to the fact that the high school had itā€™s biggest game of the year Friday night. We got slammed both nights. Hopefully tonight will make a three point weekend.
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Halloween was our busiest night in three years! We did over $6,000 in net sales but it was possibly the smoothest ā€œbusyā€ night weā€™ve ever had - very few problems or mistakes. We paid some former employees to come in and help us out so the surplus of staff probably contributed to that. Howā€™d you guys do?
One of our stores was slow (lunch was busier than usual), the other was really busy. Up about 600 from a normal Friday. The other was down about the same. Odd

What else was odd is we live in a subdivision people usually flock to go trick or treatingā€¦barely had trick or treatersā€¦

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Delivery and pick up sales were upā€¦

The problem for us was there was tumbleweed rolling across our dining room. Our Friday and Saturday dinners are usually about 80% dine-in, so you can guess what kind of night we had :x

Congrats to all of you guys and gals that knocked it out of the park!
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We had our busiest day ever in 10 years of business. We were up 35% from a normal friday. I need more space for more ovens!
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Friday was a record day for us in the last nine years but the best part was it was a record week for us as well. It did help that we had school orders on 4 of the days we made 106 pizzas before noon on thursday so that boosted the weekly sales for us. It has been a long week but well worth it!
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Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
Man, this dang economy is killing everyone, isnā€™t it? šŸ˜ƒ
Charles, I went out to eat last night at a steakhouse. Waited for 1 hour and 15 minutes to get a table; there were people crammed in every nook and cranny.

The reports of the death of our economy have been greatly exagerated.
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Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
Man, this dang economy is killing everyone, isnā€™t it? šŸ˜ƒ
The reports of the death of our economy have been greatly exagerated.
I have a friend that refuses to read the paper, listen to the radio or watch TV because the media have a habit of misleading the people that beleive everything they see.

If I were to consider the economy the way it is reported, last month the value of my business decreased by 20% (because the Canadian Dollar has decreased in value). That doesnā€™t mean I have lost anything or am doing less business. If people are hungry and like my food they will buy it. I will look at what my business is worth when I need or want to sell it and until then who cares what the price tag is and how much it changes.
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