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HEat-up time for BP600 oven?


New member
Can someone give me their experienced opinion of time to heat u the BP 600 series oven? YEsterday was day one, and I ramped it up from cold by 100F increments over 5 hours to dry out the stones. I suspect I can heat the ovens to production temp a little quicker than that . . . I hope a lot quicker. We run at about 525F on the thermostat, and only open evenings 5p to 10p. It has a long time to cool down before restarting it.

Thanks for any help.
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Is it possible for you to keep one on 24/7? I have two 1060’s and we always leave one on overnight. Granted I open at 11:30am so you’d have a little more wasted gas than me.

When they hit temp and the door remains closed, take a look in the combustion chamber. You might be surprised by how little gas they use to maintain temperature. Someone would have to do some math on it, but it might even be cheaper to leave it on than to reheat from cold everyday.
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Our deck ovens takes about 2 hours to reach and hold our desired temp. You gotta remember that there are two temp in brick ovens, the air temp and the brick temp. If you rush the time at startup, 1 or the other will be off.
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When I worked at Sbarro’s and Villa Pizza in the mall…we use to turn them on an hour before open and could cook a couple thin crusts for the table…for full heat was about an hour and a half.

Hope that helps.
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I start my ovens (BP451) no later than 1.5 hours before the first pie goes in. I open at 5:00 and usually start my ovens at 3:00 so that I can have pizzas ready to go the door by 5:00. By 4:30, the burners are no longer at full throtle and maintaining temp. My wishostat is set between 525 and 550.
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It takes roughly 2 hours for me.

I leave 1 on 24/7 and turn the 2nd one on 2 hours before the rush.
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Can someone give me their experienced opinion of time to heat u the BP 600 series oven? YEsterday was day one, and I ramped it up from cold by 100F increments over 5 hours to dry out the stones. I suspect I can heat the ovens to production temp a little quicker than that . . . I hope a lot quicker. We run at about 525F on the thermostat, and only open evenings 5p to 10p. It has a long time to cool down before restarting it.

Thanks for any help.
Can you contact the manufacturer for those times? I would be surprised if they could not give you idle gas usage figures and proper preheat and ‘break in’ procedures. They should best be able to tell you if it is cheaper to shut off the oven verses warming it up and at how many ‘off hours’ you break even on gas savings used during a warm up.
It sounds like your ovens are brand new and you have gone through the intital start up procedure. While some manufacturers wil say that you can just “plug and play” with their oven, I’m stil from the “old school” and I like to spend the better part of a day slowly ramping the temperature up in 50 or 100F increments until I reach full baking temperature of 500 to 550F. Then let it run at that temperature for a couple hours, and bake a few pizzas if so inclined. This procedure allows the stones to dry out and be conditioned to heating/expansion, and allows for settling in of the frame work of the oven too. Once this is done, on that one day, I just set the temperature and turn it on. Typical heating times are as noted, 90 to 120-minutes before everything is up to temperature. Our Marsal oven with the thicker deck takes the better part of 120-minutes before its ready to bake.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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These beasts are actually well used and show a little war wear for the trouble. Great condition, just a couple cosmetic dings and rust that is buring off nicely. Manfacturer won’t likely have the specs on this model . . . it’s the “old style” that has since been reengineered to the newer style. I will shoot a message to customer service to see if they have a fact sheet or staff who knows.

Tom, thanks for confirming what others said about times. I did the ramp up just because I didn’t know how long they had been decommissioned, and wanted to ease everything back into heated place. Stones could pick up a little moisture just sitting, and I didn’t want to shatter one when a little caution could save hundreds of dollars in replacig a stone.

We are going to try a week of turning thermostat down to see how that works for us. We may fall back to turning off, but that would require rethinking staff arrivals . . . which may be neccessary anyway to get more prep work done since we have less and less time for that during production shift (lovely ‘problem’ to have).
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I didnt know you where to supposed to break your oven in. They delivered mine, set it up turned on the gas and fired to full temp in just a couple hours. No cracks in the deck and it seems to be ok.

Your comment about the deck & oven temps being off brings a question to mind. I know its naive but could you give some insight, about the use of the baffle controls found on both sides of my BP deck. I use them in the closed position through heat -up then wide open for baking. I’ve observed another local pizza spot where they never move them and just leave them in the wide open position.

How do you use these controls?
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I agree, not knowing how long the oven(s) were out of commission, and where they were stored, plus, when moving ovens around things seem to get repositioned, and going through the initial start up process allows the oven to sort of reacclimate to the new surroundings through the expansion and contraction ofthe componant parts of the oven.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I know what you mean, here’s your oven, fire it up, put the pedal to the metal, have a nice day. I’m still from the “old school” and I like to do things more conservatively. When I bought each of my last two new trucks, I got three free oil changes from the dealer for each truck. The first one was at 500-miles, the second one was at 1500-miles, and the third one was at 3500-miles (each with a new filter), there after, the oil gets changed every 2000 to 2500-miles, along with the filter, and did I mention that I only use synthetic oil? I tend to keep my vehicles longer than most marriges last and to this day, ain’t one of them ever gave me no problems from the engine department. Point is, take good care of something, and it will normally reward you many time over, and breaking an oven in properly is just my way of taking good care of it. Over kill? Sure, probably is, but to me its a low cost alternative to bigger oven problems that could develop, and even if they do develop, then I’ll still get a good night of sleep knowing that I did all that I could to prevent it. S#!%& happens, and I can accept that too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
there after, the oil gets changed every 2000 to 2500-miles, along with the filter, and did I mention that I only use synthetic oil?
I am disappointed, Tom. Yes, your trucks will last forever. But it is extremely wasteful and we have this environmental problem you may have heard about. Modern oils, especially synthetic, can go 7,500 to 15,000 miles easy. The only concern is contaminants in the oil if you are in dusty areas. Just change the filter at 5,000 miles and you are good.
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Sorry Tom, I didnt mean to come off as challenging the importance of an proper breakin. That was not what I intented to do. I pointing it out only because, since I hadn’t known any better, that’s what actually happened.

The crux of my question was triggered by the discussion over deck oven temperatures, and so I was looking for some guidance in the use of the baffle controls.
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