I know what you mean, here’s your oven, fire it up, put the pedal to the metal, have a nice day. I’m still from the “old school” and I like to do things more conservatively. When I bought each of my last two new trucks, I got three free oil changes from the dealer for each truck. The first one was at 500-miles, the second one was at 1500-miles, and the third one was at 3500-miles (each with a new filter), there after, the oil gets changed every 2000 to 2500-miles, along with the filter, and did I mention that I only use synthetic oil? I tend to keep my vehicles longer than most marriges last and to this day, ain’t one of them ever gave me no problems from the engine department. Point is, take good care of something, and it will normally reward you many time over, and breaking an oven in properly is just my way of taking good care of it. Over kill? Sure, probably is, but to me its a low cost alternative to bigger oven problems that could develop, and even if they do develop, then I’ll still get a good night of sleep knowing that I did all that I could to prevent it. S#!%& happens, and I can accept that too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor