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Heavy dough


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Dr Tom,

A few questions;

1.Does having any of the following ingredients make the dough heavier to the stomach?
-baking powder
  1. Our pizza is a New York style pizza but with a thicker crust and plentiful ingredients and use a Lincoln Impinger conveyor oven. What would be your advice for a tasty lighter dough?
3.Having seen one of your videos when you first add directly to the mixer water, then salt, then sugar the flour and then the IDY, does it make a difference if you add fresh yeast instead?

thank you for all you do Dr Tom!
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To answer your questions in the order you presented them:
  1. No. Baking powder can/will give your finished crust a different flavor.
    Homey is a waste of money unless it makes you feel good by adding it, in that case, by all means use it.
    Crisco is just another form of a fat, if you keep the level reasonable, around 2% you would have no issues with it.
    My advice for a lighter, tasty dough? Yuck! Who eats dough anyways? 😦 If I were going to make my finished crust lighter and more tasty (whatever that means) I would maximize the dough fermentation (2 to 3-days for a pizzeria is about right). I would maximize dough absorption to achieve the best oven spring possible resulting in a lighter, less dense finished crust. I would make sure the dough is formulated with between 1.75 and 2.25% salt. Most of all I would make sure the pizza is properly and thoroughly baked.
  2. If you want to add compressed yeast (CY) instead of IDY, not a problem, just make sure you are using the correct conversion of IDY to CY (2.75 X IDY = CY), and crumble it into small pieces as you add it on top of the flour, there is no reason to suspend CY prior to addition.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement, much appreciated!
    Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Sure, you can use both, not a problem (can’t see any advantage) or you can use just all Crisco. If you add just Crisco you can add it right along with the CY on top of the flour. Any kind of oil should be added by using the delayed oil addition mixing method.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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