In addition to working with your local SBA, pay a visit to your local codes department to find out what your regulations are regarding signage is. We found out that we have a permit fee of $750.00 if the sign is free standing (like on a post) rather than attached to the building. There will also be regulations on how you light the signage for night viewing. Most places will not allow internal sigh lighting, but instead, allow for externally lighted signs (where the lights are positioned so they shine on the sign). Also, look into your requirement for oven hoods, or hoods for any other cooking equipment that you might have in your plans. When you get ready to make your final move, prior to committing to anything, run your plans/ideas across the local codes department as well as the Health Department to get their take on it. I’ve seen too many new operators get stuck between a contract for the building and the codes department. It is better to know what you’re facing before committing to anything. The more you know up front, the easier your build out, or opening will go. Even if you buy an existing store, do this first. You want to limit your “surprises” on inspection day.
Welcome to the fraternity.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor