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Help with Alfredo Sauce... need to thin it out!

update: after letting it sit for 3 hours in the steam table without being covered… it became thick and enhanced the flavors so much that it does not taste good at all.

So, with lid - to watered down
Without lid - to much flavor

Dosent look like I can keep it in the steamer without screwing it up… any other ideas?

Thanks all! :oops:
don’t keep it hot all day… leave it in the cooler and warm it to order in the oven… if you leave it in the steam table its going to get thin and gross…make sure you keep it covered
I’m no expert here, but when I have saved my gravies from dinner to reheat at lunch the next day for my left overs, if it’s a little thick, I heat it and add a little butter to it.

The butter tends to thin it back out without causing any detrimental flavor loss…I wonder if the same method could be done with your alfredo sauces?
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Hey all, I make my own alfredo sauce, which is excellent for home use, but now that I’m going to be doing pastas I need to modify the recipe…

the problem is, it’s nice and liquid when it’s really hot, but the second it starts to cool (as in sit on the pasta for more then a minute) it starts to become a thick paste.

I tried just adding extra milk to it, it did work but it also took all the flavor away and just tasted like milk :?

What can I use to thin it out and keep it liquid? I was thinking water… someone also said add a regular cream (not the heavy obviously).

Thanks all!
JMHO - Keep your recipe the same if it is good…But remember the commercial, GOT MILK! Use it in lieu of water.
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Hello Inter,I have your answer.We make ours w/ heavy crm.butter and grt.chse.which is a basic Alfredo.1 cs. heavy crm. 6 llbs butter and 5 C grt.chse.,2 tsp.white pepper and wisk extremely well.OK heres the kicker and don’t knock it till you try it once all ing. are wisked well add 3 C of Ranch dressing.It is delicious and it thins it down enough to be usable on your line.Also make a great base on your white pizzas.
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:shock: HERETIC!! :shock:

Now that I have that out of my system . . . I can see where any number of dressings could work, including a creamy ceasar. Oil, emulsifiers, and seasonings. Sure, why not?

I just keep having a hard time (for my own small self) de-engineering a perfectly good concept as Alfredo, rebuilding with other stuff and still calling it Alfredo. I don’t even call my own starch-thickened sauce “alfredo”. I do prepare it thinner than I want, then chill and it reheats perfectly.
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Hey all, I make my own alfredo sauce, which is excellent for home use, but now that I’m going to be doing pastas I need to modify the recipe…

the problem is, it’s nice and liquid when it’s really hot, but the second it starts to cool (as in sit on the pasta for more then a minute) it starts to become a thick paste.

I tried just adding extra milk to it, it did work but it also took all the flavor away and just tasted like milk :?

What can I use to thin it out and keep it liquid? I was thinking water… someone also said add a regular cream (not the heavy obviously).

Thanks all!
I had the same problem and I used cream of celery soup with a little water to thin and lighten my al Fredo sauce. Worked perfectly. Didn’t take away the flavored already in the sauce but lightened it up.
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Is there a reason that you cannot make Alfredo sauce to order?
Garlic, Heavy Cream, Parmesan, a pinch of seasoning,
Sweat your garlic in a saute pan with clarified butter, add heavy cream & seasoning, reduce the cream slightly, add cheese, toss in pasta. This is a 3 minute operation to do this.
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