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HELP with Marketing... can't figure out this area i'm in!

Re: HELP with Marketing… can’t figure out this area i’m in

I love the umbrella idea, we are implementing it today!
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Re: HELP with Marketing… can’t figure out this area i’m in

I just thought I would throw out another theory for you. There was a comedian, Chris Rock I think it was, who said about male loyalty… " a man is only as faithful as his options". Think about your customers as the man. A lower median income might mean that getting sandwiches twice a week helps the budget. It is his option for lunch or dinner. The new place with the higher median income… They can eat anywhere because they can afford to. They have lots of options, so, maybe not so loyal. Sure they like your product, but they don’t rely on it to stay within budget. They are probably eating at sit down restaurants being waited on with that kind of dough. Sandwiches… That’s what the poor folk eat, so we don’t want to be seen there too frequently.
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