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Hit my first $1500.00 day

John my sausage is not really spicy hint of garlic, fresh squezzed lemon juice and fennel along with the other seasonings, but my pepperoni is a bit on the spicy side, I use Patrick Cudahey # 15430 38 mm it cups and gets a little crispy around the edges, my customers really like it.
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Tony Maronni:
up23 I just started using 4 color menu’s from cfm concepts out of Canada, they I think really made the diff. I sent them out with the million dollar, also did just mailing the menu’s out. I had a press release 2 weeks ago, my one year ann. and remembering 9/11 For every large pizza I sold in the month of Sept. I will donate $1.00 to the vol. fire dept. Should lead to another press release, free advertising is great. Total amount donated should be around $700 - $900 My customers like that the new guy gives something back to the area.
Good job Tony.
Please don’t get burnt-out because if you keep growing you will need all your energy.
I think press release is a very good Idea, you can’t beat the price and the high return.
I never had any luck with it.
Do you have any template we can use? Or any guidelines to make a successful news release?
Thank you
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Congrats, Tony. It’s probably just going to keep on rushing! I hope you find a way to get another oven in there.

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qoute from Tony Maronni
“Nick I like to advertise that we put over 100 slices of pepperoni on our pizzas it’s one of my usp. Quality pie take time, most customer don’t mind the little extra wait.”

I plan to go to the 38mm pepperoni also…
I have a popular Super Bowl pizza I call the “The Fifty Pounder” (20" pizza with 50 slices of pepperoni and a full pound of cheese)
…no great shakes but people like it, like to order it and tell their friends about, I appreciate that.
when I go to the 38mm slices it will be 100 slices, so maybe change the name to the “100 pounder” !

…PS, “The Fifty Pounder” is not my original, I stoled it of a internet board, probably this one…
…anybody out there remember posting it here ? :?

Congrats on the 1500 day. I remember the feeling of hitting milestones. It still gets me excited when a certain day beats a record for one of my stores. Just remember to try tracking those ppl and sending them a thank you follow up postcard that may offer a free order of breadstix or something. It’s what I do as follow up to a promotion and i get about a 68% return on them. It works wonders.
Keep going strong.
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We are stuck at pre-cooked and pelletized sausage for now. I’ll make my own in coming months . . .a mixer would help with that. I already have a stuffer for making my own links for sandwiches.
nick…you can buy raw sausage spice it up and cook in the deck without needing a mixer. We buy 4/10# logs and cook up 10# at a time. mix in hotel pan, cook 20 minutes, cut horizontal and vertical, cover and cook 25 more minutes. cool in the fridge according to heatlh dept. requirements and then chop in a cheap black and decker. much cheaper and not time consuming on prep cook
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Wow,I’m having so much trouble picturing 100 pieces of pepperoni on a pie and I do an 18 ‘‘w/ 16 lrg. slices on it w/ xtra pepperoni 26 slices.I couldn’t imagine 100 pieces of pepperoni on a 16’’ pie.
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