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New member
Hi everyone!! Been along time since i’ve been on pmq. Hopefully some of you remember me 😦

Things have been so up and down, including my mood! Yikes. We are still in business, and still kicking at it as much as ever. But man oh man, I am getting tired, I really went through a funk there, didnt want to talk to anyone about anything pizza, even though I do it everyday, lol!! Kept a smile on my face, but ugh, well you all know what im talking about.

Just thought I would drop a line and say HELLO!! And no I havent disapeared, and yes, I will be getting back to being a regular on PMQ.

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Hi !

Good to hear you’re still doing the thang that we do. It’s sad when some of the TT veterans slowly disappear. Don’t become a MIA and stay in touch.

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So good to see you hanging in there and to have you back. Let us know if we can help you with anything!
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Hi! Nah, not big time yet, but working on it. Really got into a funk there for a bit, but have created a daily marketing calendar, and excited about it. Sales have really slumped and had gotten my quite down, and it isnt getting better. But sometimes we just need to hit rock bottom and hit the arse hard before we snap out of it. Well my butt hurts so its time to move even quicker now!!

I have given myself 1 year to get a move on or move out. My choice.

So I am hitting the ground running! And I need some help. will be posting some questions to ya all in the next few hours. Hope you can help me 🙂 I know you can!!

Thanx everyone!
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Glad to see ya back. Yeah we need to buy at least a 6 month supply of dusters so we can keep dusting ourselves off.

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Glad to hear from you…I have been through slumps before and I am going through one now…But I do not know how to quit even when it gets really ugly…Keep at it…
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OMG…I have experienced the burnouts but it’s in the blood and no matter how bad the economy gets I still have the satisfaction that I have a place of employment. It may come down to just my husband and I running it some days but at least I’m not on the unemployed list.

I truly went though a major burnout one so bad I closed my doors, filed for a divorce and said never again, in May of 2005. I couldn’t take the stress anymore.

My new husband (yes I said new husband) said he wanted to spend more time with me and asked if I would consider re-opening the restaurant of course my first thoughts were no, no, no…I didn’t think I could do it again but he talked me into it. Well in January of 2007 we opened and people responded just as if I had never closed…it was wonderful. We outgrew our location within no time so we moved to a larger place.

But now due to the current economy we are down-sizing and I have been pretty stressed about it. By down-sizing we will be in a better position and the overhead won’t eat us alive.

I guess the real issue here is sometimes we have to stand back and re-evaluate what is happening within our business and sometimes we feel like we don’t know what we should do next but I’m thankful everyday that I have people on TT with the same issues as I do and that alone is a wonderful tool because my decisions aren’t always right.

Canukfanlady, just hold your head high and keep in touch and don’t let it get to you…we’ve all been there at some time in our careers.
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Welcome back, Hope we can help turn things around for you. I took over a family business 2 years ago and I found this site shortly after. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. The info I read on this site has help sales go through the roof. When you try different things keep track of what works and what does not.
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Welcome back, Hope we can help turn things around for you. I took over a family business 2 years ago and I found this site shortly after. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. The info I read on this site has help sales go through the roof. When you try different things keep track of what works and what does not.
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