how an owner will justify taking part of delivery fee

I was once a server in my younger years. I did the math, considered the work I was doing . . . and decided that I wasn’t getting a good enough guarantee on my time/effort. I quit the job and looked for the situation I wanted.

Owners are in the business of profitability. Lots and lots of considerations go into doing that. Employee are in the business of earnig money for doing work. Lots and lots of details and considerations go into that. If you are unhappy with the reality of the business you are in . . .either as an owner or an employee . . . . then move on. Neither party was guaranteed any sort of confetti parade or skip through the park to financial prosperity.

Any owner who goes into business . . . and any driver who goes into that occupation . . . who doesn’t know ‘the score’ and the expectations of their situations is going to get a thwack of reality right ion the kisser. then personal character decides how to deal with it. Make the changes one can make, and then figure out if it is worth hanging in. Plssing and moaning about realities that simply aren’t going t ochange in any meaningful way is pointless and whittles away at ones credibility and self-esteem. Do the job or don’t do the job. Work for change or don’t . . . just everyone put on their grown-up knickers and walk upright and with some sense of dignity.

“wah, the bosses are unethical theives who don’t pay me”
“wah, the government taxes too much and makes it impossible to make reasonable decisions”
“wah, those pizza guys charge too much for their pizzas . . . I want a 16” with everything for $10"
“wah, my dad won’t let me take the keys to the car 'cause I won’t do my chores”

We all got hardships in life. Drivers get paid by a lot of places using the tip credit. Don’t like it? Find a place who values your contributions more . . . I really mean this . . . you deserve more if you are worth more. Seek it out and find it. Same goes for business owners who struggle to survive. Make a decision, live with it and move on.
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I really mean this . . . you deserve more if you are worth more. Seek it out and find it. Same goes for business owners who struggle to survive. Make a decision, live with it and move on.
Thank you for the pep talk, but it is not necessary. I only deliver one or two days per week to supplement my income now, as I have found employment in my undergraduate field. I can take it or leave it. That does not mean that my stance or message will change. There are certain things that I am just adamant about in this industry, and sub-min wages just happens to be at the top of the list.
Thank you for the pep talk, but it is not necessary. I only deliver one or two days per week to supplement my income now, as I have found employment in my undergraduate field. I can take it or leave it. That does not mean that my stance or message will change. There are certain things that I am just adamant about in this industry, and sub-min wages just happens to be at the top of the list.
Where you seem to be missing the boat . . . and this is a crucial element for all the people with the “sub-min wages” axe to grind . . . . is that you need to learn to define terms, debate in legal terms and identify your goals. I chose “axe to grind” because all the folks in the last couple years who have come to bring us onwers “to Jesus” about whatever viewpoint they have about driver compensation miss one very important foundational element. And this is a key that no one can get around in these debates . . . . the owners of businesses who are operating within the bounds of established law and customery practice regarding that law are under absolutely no obligation to change their business practices because someone delivering pizzas doesn’t like what they are getting paid. Absolutely all of the power rests in the ownership/management structure of that business.

Several people have come over to create, both directly and indirectly, power struggles with their threads of discussion and their posts on this board. I am of the absolute belief that it is individual realtionships and interactions that will make profound changes in business. If one’s beef is with one’s own job and boss . . . then it is pointless to carry out that conflict on an internet forum designed to support and facilitate successful businesses. It will never change the issue at hand in the home job. What’s more, the employee/driver participations on this forum have come off dismissive, demeaning and accusatory of people operating successful businesses when the post author has never set foot in these other establishments.

Banging a drum so loundly that the only voice one hears is his or her own . . . that’s gonna get people nowhere here in this forum . . . and will ultimately sour any chance of success in making real changes in the job relationship that matters . . . one’s own. One sort of truism is that I cannot be bitter and cynical here and convince anyone at all that I am not leaking that same bitterness in my real life. It just doesn’t happen like that except for true anti-social/sociopathic personalities.
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