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How Do I prepare for a 150 pizza order?

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Uncle Ralph:
The 150 pies are for a 9th grade orientation for 600 freshmen kids. So - quality is something that we can mange expectations on.
You’re going to put your food in as many as 600 new customers’ mouths and you want to “manage expectations”? You need to serve them the best pizza you possibly can and I’d run from an order I couldn’t fill properly. I’d rather a customer have no opinion on my food than a bad one.
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Let me guess…they want a deal also?

I think everybody can agree that for an order of this size your best pizza will not be possible no matter what kinda oven although conveyor would definitely be easier and more consistent

Have your first drop with more than half than just keep shuttling them over 20 at a time and hopefully they will still be working on the last run when you come with more…I like to explain this to whoever places the order and it usually is not a problem

With your deck be prepared for your cook times to increase as much as 40% 1/2 way through depending on how often/long you open the door and make sure to start at a higher temp to help.

Good Luck but even with my Roto-flex whick holds 24 at a time every 10 minutes there is no way to do your 150 without making multiple trips

PS at 150 pies that means 6kids to a large and they might be short pies
If the delivery time is not staggered, not possible for any qualitywith only two deck ovens, IMO.

I would respectfully decline the order or, as another poster stated, share it. With the deck ovens, spinning, opening and pulling cool the oven and the stone. YUCK on 150 at once. A huge exposure for a mess.

On the other hand, fantastic offer. Keep up the good work. The kids like your pizza. The feedback when the school orders like that derives from either the kiddos or the teachers.
I have done many orders 100 or more pizzas and we have no problem keeping them hot on top of our oven. Now I have 2 y600s so I can do 9-14" pizzas at a time in each oven normaly it takes 7 minutes but it takes an average of 8.5 minutes for orders over 60 pies (this is when my oven starts to cool) I put them in 2 at atime 1 minute apart. We come in early and start to make them, we stack ours (we have lids for our pans) and when we are about 1/2 way through making them we move on person from the make table to the oven and start throwing them in the other 2 keep making pies and one of them becomes a floater (make table/cut table) we can bang off 150 from start to finish (bake time is about an hour and 20 minutes) in about 2 hours and the ones on the oven are still hot when we go to deliver them. With big orders like this I always try to see if we can deliver them in shifts. I explain the quality will be better and they will be hotter and fresher, most of the time they will do this but if they choose not to they do know what they are getting.
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give half the order to another company and split the task evenly at 75 each. Even 75 will be a task with your oven…
Before you start even thinking about slapping, saucing, cheesing you have to consider when is this order due? tomorrow? a week? when? No one has mentioned that you better have the extra prep help or come in early every day and make extra dough unless you buy dough balls frozen, in which case you have to figure that into your food order and will the dough get to you on time? Do you have room and dough PANS or TRAYS to store an EXTRA 150 dough balls. Remember, this order is going to be in addition to your regular business. I have double stack Y600s and I know after the first run of pies the FULL recovery time is 20 minutes, after a second run, the recovery time is 30 minutes. I mean, you can still cook pies but the time for each batch will get longer and longer, So even if you can do the first pies in 7 minutes, you can count on the seconds to run about 10 minutes and then the third set will run you around 13 minutes. If you are doing 150 pies your ovens won’t recover fully as you keep putting pies in and eventually it will take you 30+ minutes to cook a pizza. The largest order I have taken is 24 eighteen inch pizzas. I can fit 6 in each oven. I had both ovens filled twice and it was a friday night. Once I pulled this order from the oven it slowed me down the rest of the evening. Personally, I wouldn’t risk my reputation by putting out a subpar product for the sake of profit. This is simply too big of an order for two deck ovens. IT sucks to turn something like that down but truthfully, Dominos can serve them better. They can plan for it, bring in a special event trailer and put out a hot product. I wish I could wish you luck but you are going to need more than luck…more like a miracle to pull it off if you say yes.
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Hey Uncle dont give it away keep the order yourself it can be done like I said before see if you can split the order up but if not just let them know how things will work
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get your ovens looked at they shouldnt take that long to recover either that or your oven person is leaving the door open for to long. We do large orders over 100 monthly and can handle it just fine
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How much extra room do you have in your shop? I don’t know if this idea would work but have you considered renting some extra ovens from a local restaurant equipment dealer? I once rented an oven to use at a music festival for a weekend.
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This guy is talking about 17+ hours to make his 150 pizzas! Why would you tell him to go for it. If he’s right on his “math” he will have a disaster!
Why would I tell him to go for it? because it is possible. Before you jump all over me figure it out. His math is wrong.

Some people should think before they hit the submit button
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This guy is talking about 17+ hours to make his 150 pizzas! Why would you tell him to go for it. If he’s right on his “math” he will have a disaster!
I’ll tell ya why…(slow,inspiring music begins)…

-When others said ‘no’, Joe Namath said ‘Yes we will win. I guarentee it.’

-When others said ‘no way’, the 1980 US Olympic hockey team beat the mighty Russians in the biggest upset in sports history.

-When others said ‘neign’, the Berlin wall came down.

It’s every pizza guys dream to have a 150 pizza order… don’t you dare step on that dream(tears begin to flow). Cause it’s his… and many of us will live through him that fine summers day(sniff) when 150 boxes filled with the freshest, tastiest and perfectly cook pizza walks out his door and into the lives of those 6th graders. Many of whom will enjoy the pizza so much they’ll be inspired to carry on the great tradition of pizza making after many of us have left this earth. That’s why… that is why…

I’m a little beclempt… tawk amongst yaselves… … dDU2NjM%3D

Hey make sure you give the kids coupons to take home to mom and dad ! 600 x 5%= 30 possible orders 30 x $15=$450
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A tear came to my eye when I read that post. [sniff]. Well written.

Yeah. We do it becasue that’s what we do. If we can’t do it, then who will.

We ain’t super heroes . . . . we’re pizza guys . . . the community ‘heroes’ young kids will remember and tell their grandkids about.
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iam not trying to down grade anybody but I don’t think is that much of a big deal… sorry guys that’s how I feel… for us every year get 3 big orders like that, for the school, fire dept open house and police dept open house… the school gets 175 some years they have gotten close to 200 pizzas… all to be ready at the same time… what we do is we tell them in advance we’ll keep the pizza as hot as possible by stacking them on top of the oven… by the way we have 2 deck ovens and each can take 7 pizzas at once… people will understand that by getting that many pizzas at once the quality won’t be 100 percent but it will be 98 percent… anyways the way we get ready is… the night before we make the dough and strech out the pizzas and keep them in the cooler… boxes everything is ready to go… then when we go to the shop in the morning we take all of them out so they can rise and we sauce and cheese them… we do like I said 14 at once… make sure if u have decks not to put them in all at once… wait a few seconds in between each pie… because went is time to take them out trust me lol… is not that easy make sure they don’t get too well done… every year for the past 6 years we do this 3 times a year and every single one of them works out perfect… they love the pizza and never once complaint about the quality… actually we always get a few new customers because they tried to pizza there and loved it… just don’t panic you’ll be alright… trust me is a good feeling after you cook the last pie and everything is done… and of course after that you need to get ready for a regular day of bizz… good luck…
iam not trying to down grade anybody but I don’t think is that much of a big deal… sorry guys that’s how I feel… for us every year get 3 big orders like that, for the school, fire dept open house and police dept open house… the school gets 175 some years they have gotten close to 200 pizzas… all to be ready at the same time… what we do is we tell them in advance we’ll keep the pizza as hot as possible by stacking them on top of the oven… by the way we have 2 deck ovens and each can take 7 pizzas at once… people will understand that by getting that many pizzas at once the quality won’t be 100 percent but it will be 98 percent…
Well done!

How did you deliver those 175 to 200 pizzas all at one time at 98% original quality? That is the part of the ‘magic’ I could not figure out without a panel van or truck with a camper top. Too long a drive (more tyhan 15 minutes), and the heat would sap right out . . . . .I don’t have enough bags for that kinda load at once.

Also, how long did it take for you to get those orders done . . . assembly . . . baking time? Number of personnel? Your success could be a learning tool for this author.
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the delivery part, we were lucky… they usually send some kids with pickups and they help us to load them and stuff… don’t get me wrong iam not trying to say it’s easy, it may sound that way but is not… you just gain confidence after your first year… for the police dept and fire dept they send the volunteers to pick them up…
personnel? there is 3 of us. like I said we strech the pizzas out the night before, then the next morning while the oven is warming up we start sauce and cheesing them… then about 1:30 to 1:45 hour before the order we start cooking them… one person cooks them and one person helps setting the boxes and the third person takes care of the pans and start to get the shop ready for regular business…i apologige for my grammar, I post from my cell phone…
Grammar is no problem. Dough handling would be my own 1st key pinch point to solve, then the heated hold, then the delivery.

I do believe that the delivery is a key element to the dilemma posted originally. I see it as being easier to claim “we gave you quality when you picked it up” than to make it all th way to the school and have 30% nearly cold and cheese recongealed.

<<SIDE NOTE: My pizza is actually spectacular cold, but customers would want it warm to hot>>

2 hours to bake off 200 pizzas is moving pretty d@mned quick with 2 decks and three people. Impressive. If the team can manage this timing and keep the first lot hot for an hour and a half, then your customer should be quite satisfied. I suspect it would take a warming cabinet (or two) in my shop for such a feat for 200 pies.
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like I said in one of my post before, you keep the pies on top of the oven, we also have a table right next to the oven so we put some there too…we keep them as warm as we can…by the time they pick them up they are pretty hot…and also helps that the school is 3 mins away so is the police and fire dept…

the main key of getting this done is to get as much work done as possible the night before… dough, boxes, streching the pies etc…

and the other thing is in 2 decks yes we get it done… you need to see me or my brother in law in action at the ovens… not to brag but we are really good and fast when is show time.