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How important is a usp?


…I still like “Bigger, Better, FASTER” more


…I was just considering if Chris Bianco had a USP, what would it be,
I think it would be good and I would use it since he doesn’t need or want one…going to see Chris next week !

Ours was “Gourmet Comfort Food” We had a quote on our menu that read:

“Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the moral.”

Elsa Schiaparelli, Italian Designer (1890-1973)

Every now and then a new customer would shout out “Thanks Elsa!” :shock:
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Without a USP you are just a pizza shop.

So why buy from you? What makes yours different. Are you trying to attract the customer that wants fast and cheap pizza without regards to taste USP= Fast easy and cheap!

Or are you trying to attract the customer that is willing to pay a little more for that pizza you worked your butt off to make…that has the taste to die for and that they line up around the block just to get a piece? USP= Highline, gormet pizza definately not cheap.

You see your USP is the cornerstone of your marketing campain. IF you don’t have a USP you will be lost. The USP is what your customer can identify with. It’s actually what your customer thinks of when they hear your name…\

Dude’s Pizza " the true pizza lovers pizza" ( I like that one)

I just told you in this USP that my pizza is not about price…and I also did not say I can make it in 30 seconds…I just told you that this IS PIZZA and it is second to none!

Now I will build my menu around this concept…Pizza baked to perfection in a stone lined oven. We use pure olive oil, vine ripened tomatos, and a blend of 25 spices that OUR customers have said makes our pizza THE local favorite.

And everything on the menu must convey a higher standard that your customer will come to expect from this USP.

Make sense?
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