Like you said in your above quote, people don’t know about your business. So what are you currently doing to let them know that your there? Since the people aren’t noticing your business on their own, you have to let them know where you are!T
5) I thought we were in a great location when we first opened, but I’m starting to realize you have to know we’re here to see us. I still have people that come in here that lived in this town their wholes lives that ask how long we’ve been here. And when I tell them 6 months, their jaw usually drops to the floor. In fact, I have people that are walking distance from us still tell me that they just now found out about us.
Let’s get down to business here:
Do you currently have any money available for advertising? If so, how much?
If you are on a extremely limited budget, here’s what you can do to get the ball rolling:
First thing you need to do is to get new full color flyers (will use for door hanging also). You can get 5,000 full color flyers from http://www.gotprint.com for around $310 (this price includes shipping) to get started. (Like I mentioned in my other post, if you need help designing a new menu, let me know and I’d be willing to do it for you for free.) Print up a letter similar to the Kamron’s “magic letter” ( http://www.pmq.com/mag/2003september_oc … letter.pdf ). Now tri-fold the menu and letter together with the letter on top with the headline facing out. Next staple a rubber band to the top of it and you can now use it as a door hanger. You now need to get out and door hang around 200 of these every single day! Lets say you door hang 1400 a week: Worst case scenario you’ll get a 2% response which is 28 new customers. Say they spend an average of $20 per order, you now have brought in an additional $560 in sales each week. A better case scenario would be a 5% return (70 new customers) with a $20 avg ticket which = $1400 extra added to your weekly sales. So as you can see you need to start door hanging ASAP! Right now this will give you the biggest bang for your buck and it will bring in a lot of new customers. From there it’s up to you. Like everyone has said, your food and service need to be up to par.
Let us know what kind of money, if any, you have available for an advertising budget and I’m sure with the help from everyone on this forum, we can get you going with the most cost effective advertising plan.
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