As we’ve all seen before, there are from time to time spammers that will fill a subject line with something that is supposed to get us ‘excited’ and entice us to visit their nasty sex sites.
Well I have to tell you… THIS is what excites me ! The thought of a successful self-sufficient shop where I don’t have to be here 80 hours a week is what does it for me. There’s nothing worse than running around putting out operational ‘fires’ when you should be able to plan and envision the next 1-2 weeks.
I’ve always talked about ‘taking the leap’ and just hiring a 3rd manager to take the majority of my hours and get out more to market. What it comes down to is whether or not I can generate 15.5 more orders a week just to stay even and not cost myself more money.
j_r0kk style:
3rd Manager @ $7.50
30hrs X $7.50=$225 per week
$225/$14.50 ticket average=15.5 orders needed
So if I can generate 15.5 orders per 30 hours of marketing that I do I’ll break even. The good thing is that the majority of the 15.5 will be ‘new customers’ that will begin to order on a regulart basis(if the mgrs do their job) and begin to grow the business.
btw sometimes I just use this forum to work out stuff for myself. I apologized if I put anyone to sleep.
This would be an example of just that.
Well I have to tell you… THIS is what excites me ! The thought of a successful self-sufficient shop where I don’t have to be here 80 hours a week is what does it for me. There’s nothing worse than running around putting out operational ‘fires’ when you should be able to plan and envision the next 1-2 weeks.
I’ve always talked about ‘taking the leap’ and just hiring a 3rd manager to take the majority of my hours and get out more to market. What it comes down to is whether or not I can generate 15.5 more orders a week just to stay even and not cost myself more money.
j_r0kk style:
3rd Manager @ $7.50
30hrs X $7.50=$225 per week
$225/$14.50 ticket average=15.5 orders needed
So if I can generate 15.5 orders per 30 hours of marketing that I do I’ll break even. The good thing is that the majority of the 15.5 will be ‘new customers’ that will begin to order on a regulart basis(if the mgrs do their job) and begin to grow the business.
btw sometimes I just use this forum to work out stuff for myself. I apologized if I put anyone to sleep.

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