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How to project sales of a startup?

where 'bouts in CA are you? Do you have any savings, for some ‘skin in da game?’ Any home line of credit available? Private investors are not easy to find…you’ll need your ducks all in a row…is the place closed currently? How’s your petsonal credit? You can prolly get 2/3 months free rent with a security deposit & two months rent…

I lived in SoCal many yrs ago…
Hi there - I live in So California and yes I do have some savings and good credit. I also have a nice nest egg in 401k for retirement. The folks who had it before moved to a larger place serving Mexican food. Everyone is a bit tired of all the Mexican food places and not enough options for good pizza. The owners are willing to work with me on the rent once I make an offer. I would love to find an investor, and ideally a mentor. If I were a successful restaurant owner I would definitely consider it myself if I had the money. It’s a good thing to help someone else. Any ideas about where to find restaurant investors?
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you might to pm me later…I was stationed @ El Toro back in the day…went to CalPoly, Pomona & lived in Tustin, Garden Grove, Santa Ana…where is the store gonna be? You might be surprized what you can do with the funds you have…equipment can be purchased used in many cases…how many seats? Delivery? Competition? So many questions…
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you might to pm me later…I was stationed @ El Toro back in the day…went to CalPoly, Pomona & lived in Tustin, Garden Grove, Santa Ana…where is the store gonna be? You might be surprized what you can do with the funds you have…equipment can be purchased used in many cases…how many seats? Delivery? Competition? So many questions…
Cal poly pomona alum here too!!!
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we used to have Wolfgang Puck come to the Kellogg center several times a year…but what a ‘dirty’ chef he was…wine tasting classes @9 am…beer bar on campus…ahh…those were the days…
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