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I am leaving Think Tank

Found daddio!
Where did you find him?
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I think it’s a shame when we can get chased off our own forum. This is a forum for OWNERS to help other OWNERS in this crazy pizza business – not for delivery drivers to rile us up by calling us names or accusing us of breaking laws (of which they have NO proof or knowledge that this is happening). Their perception of us is that we are just greedy shop owners and they’ll never get past that idea until they walk a mile in our shoes. I shudder to think of what our forum would look like if we did not have the moderators. This has always been a beneficial and civilized place that pizza shop OWNERS could turn to when they just need a little help and I would sincerely like to see it stay that way.
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  1. moderators being hidden, not feasible really. I can’t read every post in every conversation and sometimes I rely on people here sending over private messages, when things get out of hand. I have deleted several post where people just attack the person, I really try to give a lot of latitude. I do agree with the others. If I had an employee like someone here on this page I PROMISE you I would ride his ass every second of every hour he was on my clock. Some people are just ungrateful for having a job and I dont need YOU just an employee to fill the position. I too have bit my tongue and never engaged in any part of it but it was not easy. I do try to stay on point but its not always easy.
    and to be honest I never even went in to the drivers section daddio handled that.
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When someone does a job voluntarily and is so exasperated by it that they quit, something is very wrong. I came here seeking advice and solice in knowing I was not alone. I learned how to make dough from scratch here and have gotten many ideas. I don’t post alot but I read alot. I can’t stand the idea of someone counting MY money. Drivers and inside folks alike have no real concept of how much it costs to keep a shop open. The drivers complain about how slow it is overlooking the fact that tehy still get paid an hourly rate. The inside people look at the amount of mone yin the drawer…Well you guys know what I mean. daddio’s depature is sad and the reason for it is even sadder.
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IMO - PMQ has lost it’s ‘edge’ as it struggles to survive…& keeping up w/Pizza Today…they, too, have to make payroll and the print industry is brutal…there’s been less & less corporate support on this site, in some respects…its the owner’s who keep this site running & there’s fewer & fewer posting…even I don’t post as much…
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The silence from gregster is deafning.
Notice whenever the heat gets put on him he ducks for cover. Must be his naval service where they are taught to make themselves as small a target as possible. Keep your head down and only raise it when the shooting stops.

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Running a forum such as this is time consuming and often an exercise in frustration…IMO, forums where folks are allowed to register under the “cover of darkness” tend to more of a “wild west show”…I have seen many forums get ruined by folks with an “agenda”…But the folks driven away often find a new “sand box” to play in…Hopefully the “offenders” will settle down and we can all stay where we are at…
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I found nothing remarkable,nor objectionable. He does post from the “drivers” POV, and often. But what of it?
This forum is not intended for driver’s “POV”. That’s what of it.

No one here has a problem with differences of opinion as its healthy to hear and it helps to bounce ideas around. Its just plain annoying to have people come in with an agenda and hijack threads.
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I waited a long time and thought long before posting. I am very conflicted about what has gone down in the last few days. Richard chose to seek a different forum that met his needs better . . . this one has very clearly written and shown that the membership is open to anyone who creates an account, and can mostly post unfettered unless offense is taken and someone rings up a moderator. As Royce said, it is pretty “wild west”. For good or for ill, we all have figured this out who have been around any length of time. We stay or we go based on what we know.

I am personally disgusted at the unabashed unprofessionalism shown to Richard Ames aka Daddio by two members of this forum. They chose not to confront Daddio or the owners of the site, PMQ Magazine, when they were unhappy with what transpired on this forum. They went and posted petty, adolescent, mean-spirited drivel over on their own piece of turf blog/site. Personally, this sort of ‘tolerance’ by the owners of this forum has dwindled my loyalty here, and to their magazine. PMQ forum, and their rules . . . I choose to spend my time where such is not permitted.

I appreciate the atmosphere that allows for open discourse and wide latitude in venting, ranting, sharing, topic choice (see monkey butt), and poking at each other while we all gather some rather useful insights from all sorts of professionals with expertise in their fields. “Owners Only” would leave off some very useful insights from marketing, equipment, dough development and Credit Card professionals. That would drive off a lot of useful knowledge to say the least! I find the wide variety of people, places and professions part of the attraction to this forum . . . for me at least. Intelligent debate and discourse from anyone at all can be useful. Employee, vendor, owner, franchisee, print designer, delivery driver, HVAC professional, whoever.

I gotta say that allowing any persons to wade into the Think Tank, disrupt the community that was established, then crow about it and congratulate themselves on their own discussion board . . . is poor judgment. PMQ has made, and continues to make decisions about this matter that confound me. I stopped posting as often as a form of self-protection. I don’t need continued unsubstantiated accusations levied at me that I have committed some criminal acts. If that sort of activity is accepted byte site operators, then I have really limited time to devote to making their “value added service†of value.

I am not in a snit or anything, since this is where I have made a lot of great friends and colleagues who have given me a lot of great advice. I just think that the time has passed for me to participate daily . . . . until I know better what the resolution and atmosphere will be.

Now back to operating pizza joints and making them successful in this pain in the neck economy.
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Unfortunately guys I think I was the straw which broke the camels back, so to speak, and pushed Daddio to leave (albeit he beat me to it)!

Having been really p***** (as a large majority have) with gregster being allowed to accuse us, offend us and then ‘be our friend’ (whilst at the same time slag us off on other sites) I decided to make two posts challenging him as to why he felt he could be ‘supportive’ to people on TT yet at the same time slag them/us off on TTPG.

The answer to my challenge…… my comments moderated and a message left in place of my post saying they were inappropriate and not helpful.

Despite numerous complaints (as I’m sure we all have) to Liz et al at PMQ and moderators over months I can’t recall the same treatment being dished out to gregster (ok Lonestar did get banned). Even when things have got out of hand comments have been locked rather than deleted and I can’t recall a ‘moderated message’ left in place.

On Monday morning when I saw my ‘moderated’ comments I pm’d Daddio to ask why my comments were moderated whilst gregsters comments seem to go untouched and the answer given, amongst others such as lack of decision from PMQ, was that he didn’t tend to read gregsters as he had him as a ‘foe’ on his setting so gregster posts didn’t show!

Bearing in mind Rockstar mentioned he doesn’t check the driver forum, and there’s little driection from above, then there’s no wonder gregster comments go un-moderated really is it! No offence guys but lack of direction from PMQ and inconsistent moderation has led us to where many long serving members are getting pretty p***** with this situation. I don’t blame Daddio personally, he give good sound advice as a business owner, but as a moderator if you stand to do a job (voluntary or not) and you do it half hearted then don’t do it! Sorry, its no different than we would expect someone we employ to work, paid or voluntary.

I told Daddio and Liz in my pm that if I’m getting moderated more than someone like gregster then that’s me out of here. I’d hope that I might have had a response from PMQ but alas nothing. I said I would post my reasons why before I went, but before I had chance Daddio posted he was off as well!

Liz/PMQ has yet to reply.

I’m off, Nick’s posting less…. not great, really sad.

Its PT all over again and look where that is now!

Unless PMQ want to alter its stance on moderation then I’m afraid this is my last post.

Good luck and good business to you all!
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Think Tankers,

Thank you for all of your feedback. Gregster has been banned from the Think Tank and we’re hoping that any of you who were considering exiting the Think Tank will reconsider. We depend on all of you to alert us of unwelcome posts and unwelcome users. Please know that our door is always open and you can call or write anytime.

Liz Barrett, editor-in-chief
PMQ Pizza Magazine
662-234-5481, ext.126
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Just a side note:
When you say that you do not see any offensive post it more than likely is because they have been deleted.
While I am a moderator I try not to be a censor I for one do not mind vendors coming in. The lady from the credit card company (cant remember her name) helped me save a ton of money.
what about the post it notes guy…came in and gave a way some free post it notes to the firsts few guys to pm them.
Some how we need to be able to incorporate them into here…maybe they can registrar and all there post can be a different color letting you know they are not owners but vendors
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We would definitely like to hear your feedback so please start a new post about it and we will entertain implementing those ideas. Maybe we could start a vendor specific forum that would allow them to pitch new ideas and enable our great community the chance at vendor-provided services/freebies? I will discuss this with Steve and Liz tonight. Cheers.

Believe me when I say that all of us at PMQ value our web community at the Think Tank. We want you to be happy as well as comfortable/taken care of so feel free to reach out to us!

Mike Cockrell
PMQ Pizza Magazine
662-234-5481 ext. 139
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Mike, I really don’t think that a vendor only forum is necessary or even wanted as many of the vendors here add alot to the Think Tank. I’m not even in favor of trying to keep drivers out of the Think Tank unless their only purpose is to stir up problems over and over and over and over again. One of the mods here (not very active any more) is a driver that posts on TTPG I believe. It is good to get the perspective of owners, managers, vendors, drivers and even the occasional customer that add to the discussion here. We just need to keep people who have only one agenda and insist on forcing it upon everyone here out.
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I agree with Paul that keeping everyone together is an asset. Ideas come from all directions in any business and most of the good ones do usually come from the bottom up as they are the people doing the job. I am fairly new to the TT and actually was not around for a lot of gregster’s problems of years past that was the precurser to this all unfolding… but I have witnessed some of the current and have read some of his own post on his board. The TT need to be an open forum but when people like gregster come in and do what they do…they need to be banned and everyone moves on. I truely hope daddio and all the others that left or are thinking of it will stay and help return this board into what it is suppose to be. :!:
I’m in the same boat with Paul and Mike. Leave it open to all and then warn offensive remarks. If they continue in the manner grester did with inuendo about people breaking the law etc then ban them. Vendors should be allowed here as they assist greatly with trade specific comments that inform and assist owners. Take George for example who I rate as a unblievably great asset to this forum. Drivers have a point of view that could also assist. Everyone has a comment somewhere that could assist everyone, drivers, owners, vendors and those looking to enter the industry.
Keep it open but fairly modified and lets hope all those who have left or are considering remain.
I know for a fact I wouldn’t be doing a lot of things in by business now if I hadn’t got the ideas and support from all of the people here over the past 5 years.

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