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I am shutting down my pizzeria. I AM DONE!

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wa dave:
You have a good way of putting it into words.

I guess your IQ is a lot higher than mine. šŸ˜‰
I just feel you Dave. We are kindred businessmen in many ways . . . .without the mines killing my business, I mean.

Must suck doing businerss with a sub-90 IQ, though šŸ˜‰
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For us new people in the business - just starting to put together our plans - and having IQs in the 40ā€™s (that was a joke), would someone be so kind as to list out the times that one should plan for as being slow days/weeks/months? Thank you.
Very insightfulā€¦all of you(even the vile, sarcastic ones). I said I have a high IQā€¦that DOES NOT translate into ā€œI know everythingā€. I really could do without the sarcasm and nastiness. I am suprised at the vileness of some of the people here, especially to those that are struggling, new, and trying to LEARN! All of you at one time or another were new at this business. You didnā€™t know everything then, and you certainly canā€™t sit here and say you do now. I was only trying to get a point across that some of you were down right NASTY to fed-up and now you have flamed me. So be it! AND just because I havenā€™t shared my plans with you all doesnā€™t mean I am an idiot and donā€™t have one. Yes, everything I mentioned happens every year. I wasnā€™t looking for sympathy or sarcasme but some answers, yet not one of you sarcastic posters had anything constructive to say. I can not explain what has happened city wide here, and I am sure itā€™s in other places too. BUT, as I said, itā€™s not just my business, itā€™s others in the food business also. I was merely looking for answers, not a-holes with an attitude. I thought I found a decent forum to learn from, damn shame!
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New York Charlie:
Very insightfulā€¦all of you(even the vile, sarcastic ones). I said I have a high IQā€¦that DOES NOT translate into ā€œI know everythingā€. I really could do without the sarcasm and nastiness. I am suprised at the vileness of some of the people here, especially to those that are struggling, new, and trying to LEARN! All of you at one time or another were new at this business. You didnā€™t know everything then, and you certainly canā€™t sit here and say you do now. I was only trying to get a point across that some of you were down right NASTY to fed-up and now you have flamed me. So be it! AND just because I havenā€™t shared my plans with you all doesnā€™t mean I am an idiot and donā€™t have one. Yes, everything I mentioned happens every year. I wasnā€™t looking for sympathy or sarcasme but some answers, yet not one of you sarcastic posters had anything constructive to say. I can not explain what has happened city wide here, and I am sure itā€™s in other places too. BUT, as I said, itā€™s not just my business, itā€™s others in the food business also. I was merely looking for answers, not a-holes with an attitude. I thought I found a decent forum to learn from, d**n shame!
If you took my comments about being sarcastic regarding Easter etc falling every year then check what you wrote. All I was saying that these happen every year but you made read like it only happened this year.

Things happen to everyone all the time and I will reiterate, if you havenā€™t got solid plans and contingencies then you will struggle.

You say you have plans and strength to you for it, but are they set by objectives? By this I mean outcomes and the manner it which they will be achieved. Heck setting plans is not easy but too many people get nice and fuzzy writing a business plan that look and sounds nice but lacks substance. I am not saying this is you but it is the case with many others.

I concur with J_r0kk regarding the post from Roger. A really fortright and informative evaluation and recommendations to recover from bad times. He had plans and objectives, methods toachieve outcomes and a desire to say Iā€™m not getting beaten by excuses.

I do not profess to know everything but after 20 odd years in sales and sales management, attending numerous training and motivational courses, gaining sales and marketing qualifiations while still working full time etc, one thing came up every time and that was the need to do thorough planning and build contingencies. If this sounds like Iā€™m a know it all well sorry. Iā€™m just passing on what was drummed into me and countless others and what has worked and continues to work for me.

Maybe it was good for you to get angry as it could be a motivator to look at what you are doing from a different view point.

Iā€™m sorry if you got upset from some of my comments and that I didnā€™t give you the answers you wanted. Maybe I donā€™t know the answers and maybe what I suggested didnā€™t sit well with you. All I was pointing out is the wisdom of planning I was taught and what I have used in my career in sales and now as a pizza store operator.

There is wealth of ideas from some extremely talented guys on this forum such as J_r0kk, paul, Daddio, Nick and many others (hope I didnā€™t offend by leaving your names out) who know a darn more than I do or probably ever will. There is a special topic post now with refrences to past posts that will help find a way out of the situation you are in. Isuugest you read them and use this information. Some will work while some may not. I know I refer to them and am take out what fits my needs.

Sometimes hearing the truth hurts and gets people upset but we all reply here to help each other.

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I really remember when gobpile was having problems or sayin she was thinking about closing I heard & saw alot of positive advice but there were some crazy negative comment in here to Fedup.
Anyway to answer u roger in any plan when u talk to all of your local & health department officials and they tell you everything was a simple sign, pay app, and a walk through because the place was already operating and you make out your plan based on there word. Then a $40,000. bill basically hits you that is a big not forseen bill in any1s plan. That was half of my budget. To me its not an excuse its bad luck!!! But my point was I thought every1 started struggling or working very hard or just damn lucky, there are people in here who dont advertise at all and are doing great to me thats lucky or just real good. maybe a lil of both.

Jus 1 more thing I talk to a few restaurants over here and they all say there down from last year, the news says its one of the worst foreclosure rate, gas has never jumped up a dollar in 1 yr. if I could remember, taxes have never been so high, these things dont happen every year.

Or maybe the restaurants are just feeling me in there pockets???
New York Charlie:
I said I have a high IQā€¦that DOES NOT translate into ā€œI know everythingā€. I really could do without the sarcasm and nastiness.
I never saw your post about IQ . . . I just hopped on an ongoing joke line between me and the Australian dope that he put out there . . . sorry it offended.
New York Charlie:
Yes, everything I mentioned happens every year. I wasnā€™t looking for sympathy or sarcasme but some answers, yet not one of you sarcastic posters had anything constructive to say. I can not explain what has happened city wide here, and I am sure itā€™s in other places too. BUT, as I said, itā€™s not just my business, itā€™s others in the food business also. I was merely looking for answers, not a-holes with an attitude. I thought I found a decent forum to learn from, d**n shame!
Wow. After reading the post everyone jumped on, I can inderstand the prodding you got. ā€œBraggingā€ about your IQ in an online business forum is just begging to get some flack. Kinda hard to take real seriously your claims that everyone else is being arrogant and being 'holes after reading that one. You sort of opened yourself up.

Option One: Mu business is struggling because of all these circumstances, and so is everyone elseā€™s, and there is nothing we can do about it. I have a big IQ, so I know (little humor) the attitude I used to have too often

Option Two: My business is struggling to make it after a bunch of market problems that everyone else is having (list them here). Iā€™m looking for ways to capitalize on these things going on to strengthen my sales and move ahead of the pack. does anyone have ideas I can steal? what Iā€™ve learned from people to ask when Iā€™m feeling the crunch

Gobpile laid out the story and asked for ideas. Fought back and forth with us about what might and did not work, and sheā€™s now too busy to give us the time of day šŸ˜ƒ I could not be happier for her, her husband and her team. Her skin was pretty thick through all of that. She even got some stiff jabs if I remember correctly.
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Dave, NO offense taken from your comments. Nick, after rereading all of the posts, I did open myself up for all of the comments. STILL, I hold firm with my belief that many were very rough on fed-up and though I donā€™t know him I felt I had to say something in his defense. I hate seeing someone fail. As for my problems struggling?? I am still new, just in the business a year next month. I can not imagine that everyone here that has been in business and successful did not have challenges or struggles their first year or two or in some cases longer. I am open to ideas and suggestions and I REALLY did wonder what was going on in my town. IS this a weird phenomenon? Why would everyone be slow?(not summer slow, remember, I mentioned this started Easter week) Heck, I have a friend that is in the heart of downtown(Iā€™m on the outskirts) his business dropped by 67% last Friday and he has been in business 16 years and has no idea what has happened since Easter, and finally, yes, I would like some suggestions on how to capitalize on this situation. Currently I have applied for my ABC(beer on premises only) license, I am building a deck and will be the ONLY pizza place within 50 miles where you can sit outside eat your pizza and drink your beer. This might not sound like much but in Virginia there are strict laws for drinking outside and I have gotten the ok from ABC with restrictions of course, not to mention the markup on draught beer is great. The feedback from customers has been excellent. Once the deck is on(hopefully by August 1) I will have the chamber of commerce come out and do a grand re-opening to get the free publicity from the local paper. I apologize to anyone I pissed off about my IQ remarks but it just seemed that all of the sarcastic successes felt that anyone that fails or is struggling is an idiot. I agree that poor planning or no planning is not the smartest thing to do but some people go into things blindly with nothing but a dream. This isnā€™t the smartest thing to do but they donā€™t deserve to be kicked when they are down. also, Nick, dave, jrockā€¦I read EVERY post I see with your name, students canā€™t learn without teachers!
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Wow! I really didnā€™t intend for this thread to turn in to a ā€œMini war zoneā€. I made mistakes along the way and Iā€™ll admit I couldā€™ve used some advices from veterans, but whatā€™s done is done, I am not in mourning phase anymore, Iā€™ve faced up to my situation. And I am quite happy about it.

New York Charlie, Up23 & the others who are facing some hardships, learn from my mistakes, always be open to ideas from others, this site is a gem and I am grateful to all those whose posts had been so informative.

J_rokk, Dave & Nick are probably the coolest guys on this site (aside from their ā€œcornyā€ jests) :lol: and theyā€™ve given me advices in the past that actually turned things around for me for a while.

I wish you all the best of luck! Iā€™ll keep visiting this site even though Iā€™ve hung up my apron.

Good Bye Everyone!
Best of luck to you Fed-Up.

I could sense your relief from your first postā€¦ ā€œI am very much looking forward to having a comfortable, worry-free live again.ā€ It sounds like youā€™re in a happy place, and thatā€™s really all that matters!
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Wow! I really didnā€™t intend for this thread to turn in to a ā€œMini war zoneā€.
Thanks for the props! Heck, weā€™d fight over the color of dirt, so donā€™t let that worry you too much. Live large for those of us still chined to the pizza ovens šŸ™‚
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Wow! I really didnā€™t intend for this thread to turn in to a ā€œMini war zoneā€. I made mistakes along the way and Iā€™ll admit I couldā€™ve used some advices from veterans, but whatā€™s done is done, I am not in mourning phase anymore, Iā€™ve faced up to my situation. And I am quite happy about it.

New York Charlie, Up23 & the others who are facing some hardships, learn from my mistakes, always be open to ideas from others, this site is a gem and I am grateful to all those whose posts had been so informative.

J_rokk, Dave & Nick are probably the coolest guys on this site (aside from their ā€œcornyā€ jests) :lol: and theyā€™ve given me advices in the past that actually turned things around for me for a while.

I wish you all the best of luck! Iā€™ll keep visiting this site even though Iā€™ve hung up my apron.

Good Bye Everyone!
Props to you Fed Up. It takes a big man to say enough is enough and to walk away with dignity and your self respect intact.

On a lighter note thanks for starting this posts as it seemed to get a bit of SOL (s*#t on the liver) removed from some people - sort of like a stress relief valve.

If you ever get ā€œdown underā€ drop in and Iā€™ll get you eating what a pizza really should taste like. Oopps, here I go again ā€¦ more flack heading towards ā€œthe Australian dopeā€ :lol:

Best of luck for the future to you and yours.

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Anyone else notice how DFW only chimes in on business closing/buying/selling discussions? I think he just likes to toot his own horn or something. After reading enough self glorified, gloating posts from him/her, Iā€™ve started to wonder if DFW is for real and actually in the pizza biz. DFW seems to stay out of the discussions about actually running a business.
Just one manā€™s observations!
Anyone else notice how DFW only chimes in on business closing/buying/selling discussions? I think he just likes to toot his own horn or something. After reading enough self glorified, gloating posts from him/her, Iā€™ve started to wonder if DFW is for real and actually in the pizza biz. DFW seems to stay out of the discussions about actually running a business.
Just one manā€™s observations!
Getting too quiet for you again? Poking at the guy to see if you can stir up some more angst? Hmmmm.

I suspect youā€™ll be seen as more credible if you pony up for a login and have some accountability even as a faceless person typing on a forum like the rest of us. Not saying those without logins are without value, just that those poking sticks at others I find more believable when they ā€œbuy inā€ to the group.
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Anyone else notice how DFW only chimes in on business closing/buying/selling discussions? I think he just likes to toot his own horn or something. After reading enough self glorified, gloating posts from him/her, Iā€™ve started to wonder if DFW is for real and actually in the pizza biz. DFW seems to stay out of the discussions about actually running a business.
Just one manā€™s observations!
Why donā€™t you speak to some of those who have emailed me or PMā€™d me privately? I have given free market advice to over a dozen people. Everytime I post my email address I will get two or three people email me their ideas that day. Just today I shared one of my best ideas ever with someone via email. I donā€™t post that in a public forum because I think it would be giving more false hope to the uninformed that enter this business. I will help all day those that appear to me to putting forth the necessary effort to succeed in this business.

I do tend to post mostly about buying/selling discussions? Why? Because it is in the buying part of the business that most people make their biggest mistakes. It is also the part of this process that I am best at. Iā€™m here strictly to help people not make enormous mistakes and lose their fortunes because they didnā€™t seek an accountantā€™s help reviewing books or because they failed to plan.

Why do I stay out of discussions about running? Because I donā€™t run mine. I believe running your own restaurant is a colossal waste of your resources. My Managerā€™s could give you much better insight about the operational aspects of my places than I could. At the end of the day, I am an accountant who can crunch numbers at a high level, who thrives on market analysis, and am smart enough to know this is a simple business if you plan and market. (I have posted in a handful of marketing threads).

Finally, I could care less if you think I am real or not. I deliver a message that I know has reached at least one person (likely many more). I would venture that I helped that person succeed far more than you will ever help anyone succeed in this game.
Let me summarize the above post some. I donā€™t post in operational threads because there are MANY people here who can better help people with that than I can.

However, I have probably bought and sold more places than any one person in here, so I am qualified to give buying/selling advice.

Am I sensitive with my comments? Heck no, and I make no attempt to be. If someone says something stupid, I will point it out. If someone posts something like it takes luck to succeed in this business I will not hesitate to tell them that their post lacks credibility and thought. Everyday at least one person thinking of entering this game reads this board. The last thing I want that person to think is that all they need is luck to succeed. Or that if they just work 90 hours a week and put in enough hard work they will succeed.

So when someone gives bad advice, I will tell them they are an idiot because whether intentional or not, they are poisoning peopleā€™s minds.

You can take my advice, and my posts, and ignore them all day if you want. That is up to you. I will sleep good knowing that I have never once hesitated getting the truth out there even if it meant hurting some peopleā€™s feelings.
However, I have probably bought and sold more places than any one person in here, so I am qualified to give buying/selling advice.
Am I sensitive with my comments? Heck no, and I make no attempt to be.
You can be called many things, but ā€˜sensitiveā€™ doesnā€™t appear to be one of them šŸ™‚ Thick skinned rascal he is.

I sometimes envision you day-trading pizzerias like some people do online stocks . . . Just another way of wheeling and dealing in the marketplace. Some open to run and maintain ownership, while other buy, build and sell. It all makes the pizza world work.

If we would all let more of these places fail, weā€™d have more good used equipment to buy. šŸ˜‰
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I will vouch for DFW, we have emailed several times the last couple of days and I am taking the advice and checking into his ideas in about 40 minutes on my lunch hour.

Maybe this new location will pan out, plus it is 1/2 the price of the other site I was looking at. Thanks DFW for the help.

PS I will send the new numbers as I made labor a direct % of sales.
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Pazzo di Pizza:
I will vouch for DFW, we have emailed several times the last couple of days and I am taking the advice and checking into his ideas in about 40 minutes on my lunch hour.

Maybe this new location will pan out, plus it is 1/2 the price of the other site I was looking at. Thanks DFW for the help.

PS I will send the new numbers as I made labor a direct % of sales.
No problem. I love the idea of that location, I hope it looks as good as it sounds. Feel free to email me with anymore questions.