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I need advice.

What I really need to hear, is do I REALLY have the wrong people or am I just a sucky boss? Honestly. I think I am. I am to nice, to easy going. I have tried all types of things…
But, I have just hired someone who I have only started a couple of days ago. I have set the tone properly this time. I am kind, but VERY firm, I lay out my expectations in no uncertain terms. But what I think may happen is that once I have trained him I am going to loose everyone else. Which may be a very good idea. I am training him FULLY, once he is trained his agenda will be to assess the employee’s. He has a ton of experience in a ton of things. Anyway, we will see what happens. But I think when it comes to owning a business sometimes it means knowing what you sck at, and I sck (I cant believe that is a bad word, lol) at being an HR person. Plain and simple. That is ok isnt it? I am honestly asking, is it ok to be sucky at something, hire someone to do it. Not to abdicate, but delegate. I wont completly hand it over and never pay attention I will be paying attention. But I think maybe I have something to learn here from someone else. I will be assessing if I hired the right person to do it over the next couple of weeks, if he is, then I think some major turn over may be in the works…
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nadia, remeber this you are the boss. I would bet you are gonna have major turn over and you should prepare for that. Its my experience that when things are shook up most of the bad apples will fall off. think of it this way if an employees has been cutting your veggies at a slow pace taking tima chatting and texting on her phone. now all of a sudden a new guy is pushing them to where they should have been all a long. they are going to be very resistent
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I am preparing for a large shake up. I think most of my apples will fall. That is ok, but now is the time to do it. We are starting to get busier, in a few months from now I will be hurt terribly if the bad apples arent gone by then. We are launching a large new program and it is going to generate alot of business. I cant be babying an staff anymore. Its time to poop or get off the pot for them.
Thanx so much for your advice rockstar, and I did send you an email thanking you for the employee handbook, but you didnt respond. I hope you did get it and know how much I appreciated it! And if you have any other advice for me, anytime, especially on how to grow my business. PLEASE PLEASE let me know. Now I feel confident in my ability to make INCREDIBLE PIZZA, I feel I can take on some massive marketing!
Thanx everyone!
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thanks Nadia and let me say that you may have helped me more than I have helped you.
I think the constant contact is really going to improve my email campain. ps I did send you an email but some how I always end up in peoples junk mail LOL.
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Aww, thanx Rockstar, and YOU ARE NOT JUNK TO ME!!
Constant contact is great eh? I LOVE IT! There are others I realize, but I do enjoy that one. Easy to use etc. Let me tell ya, emails and customer referral cards have turned my business from a business loser to a business break evener!! WOW!! Maybe one fine day I will be a business profiter!! YAHOOOOO!!

And just a little psst, to everyone, not being picky or anything, but my name is Naida. Not Nadia. I mean what happens when I am all famous and stuff and you say, oh ya I remember Nadia when she was just a tadpole! They will say, how could ya, you dont say her name right. Lol, just so you can brag that ya knew me back when and not look silly, lol!! OH MAN I AM SO STUPID FUNNY!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I think I drank to many Cokes today…man the crash is going to be BAD!
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