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I think we're done.....

Busy, busy - took me a while to view advice. I had to grin at the “I thought you were doing more”. Gee, just shy of $1 million a year and you think we should be higher?? Golly, I wouldn’t have time to sleep!!

You are all right, though. I think what gets me most about all of this is that it can be a fun business, the customers are great and honestly, the money isn’t bad. We make a living and have a couple bucks in our pocket so I’m not really complaining about that. The sad state of the current workforce is depressing.

In the past 6 weeks, we’ve had 1 deserter from the military, 1 employee walk off with keys, cash, and equipment, 1 totaled his car within 10 minutes of leaving work because he was “sniffing”, 1 quit because it “wasn’t fun anymore”, 1 quit because she “loves us but didn’t feel like we loved her anymore”, 1 having a baby and it’s too hot (6 weeks pregnant), 1 let go because his car broke down at least once during his shift, and always on the way to a delivery so the food didn’t make it to the customer, and on and on and on.

When I was 16 I worked fast food and fell down one day on my way to work. Picked myself up and rushed off to clock in on time. The manager called my mother to take me to the hospital because I sliced my knee open to the bone and was bleeding everywhere. I still clocked in on time, though, and after I was stiched up, I came back the next day and did my job even though I couldn’t bend one leg and mopping was tough. I did it anyway because it was my job.

What’s wrong with today’s parents that they cannot instill work ethics or basic skills? God bless each of you that come in every day and do this, stick with it and still love it. My new goal is to find a manager to take care of all this but I don’t hold out much hope. Thanks for the advice and support!
Hey Top,

I’m sorry…it is possible I confused you with another poster here at the Think Tank. I thought your stores were doing a higher volume. I agree. This business is rough and it takes the Grace of God, excellent work ethic and people that take pride in you and your investment.

The best of Luck for you.

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Back to the original question you asked…How do you go about selling…

Find a good commercial real estate broker. Get your financials together, your inventory (equip) list together and go talk to a couple of people.

Like you we are/were in the same boat…we decided to “sell” found an agent. It was such a relief once we decided to sell and finally listed it. I guess I thought it would be quick since it was one heck of a deal…well here we are 2 months later and nothing. No offers, no real interest.

So in the meantime we have to keep on business as usual. But during this time we also realized we could not survive doing things the way we always have. We were exhausted. We immediately promoted 2 new “shift leaders” one for each store, started training them right away. We paid them 8 bucks an hour. They are college students who appreciate the raise and don’t mind the added responsibility. They are not going to be store managers but they can “babysit” and make sure things run smooth. They can enforce policies and procedures. We decided to take a MUCH NEEDED mini vacation, and planned that out.

Sure there were some bumps in the road the last two months but we work much less. Probably 30 hours a week less each. We have defined our roles as owners. I do paperwork and fill in when needed. My husband floats back and forth from the two locations and oversees both stores. We lost are store manager and the shift leader stepped right up. We still went on vacation. Returned and the place is still standing.

What I have come to learn is we cannot do it all. There is no quick fix. So even if you want to sell you still need to get things headed in the right direction. Start delegating everything and I mean everything. Set up procedures and systems they can follow. Do the schedule without you on it.

What is odd is last week there was a “looker” and it was kinda an odd feeling because we are in a different place right now than 2 months ago, not sure I really still want to sell, of course nothing panned out with the “looker” so we are still plucking away.

Delegating has been the key. Pull yourself away from the oven and maketable and run your stores. Right now they are running you. YOU SHOULD BE THE GM.

Your stores are doing good sales and you should be able to afford some shift leaders. Get em trained and trust your skills in training them. Expect bumps but take care of them and move on. Take a vacation.

The hardest part the last couple of months has been getting over the guilt and fear of leaving when things slow down or when I am not needed. I remind myself hourly that if I did my job they can do theirs.

As another poster says…
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got…which is exhausted so try something new it just might work.

Sorry so long,

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