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I'm tired of hearing about the bad job market...

The root cause of all of this is that we now live with an “Entitlement Culture”. People do not get themselves properly educated because they don’t need to… the government will take care of them. As a result, they are too stupid to realize what this is doing to society and the economy and continue the trend.

They are to stupid to understand the shackles they are putting on their own wrists. Well until the system fails them… then they are really screwed. The real problem is that when there are enough of them, they take the rest of us down with them.

Can’t tell you the number of people I interview who can’t answer the question why they have not been working the last several months. Of course we know why. Why get an entry level job if the government will match the rate for doing nothing.

We have had a hiring sign up for going on two years straight now.
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We are facing a disaster, all my staff(all excellent) all leave for university in four weeks time, been trying to recruit for the last three months withh not one application.

I joked to my wife a month ago saying we would have to lcose if we can’t get any staff, now I wish I hadn’t siad it.

We got customers + can provide work + advertising job well above min wage + people need work = No applicants. Something wrong with equation, need to factor in gov handouts somewhere.
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Unfortunately that’s a common problem no matter which side of the pond you’re on I’m afraid.

We have 3 of our best servers taking off to college in the coming 3 weeks. We were able to hire ONE mostly suitable replacement so far! We pay well above average for servers, the hours are great, I’d like to think the owners are a dream to work with…ahem. Yet, all restaurants face the same issue.

We have discussed trimming our afternoon hours if we can’t find suitable staff, but I’d really like to not have to do so. I’m afraid what it means in our situation is my wife and I become the afternoon shift, oh, and morning, and evening. Such is the life we chose.
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We have discussed trimming our afternoon hours if we can’t find suitable staff, but I’d really like to not have to do so. I’m afraid what it means in our situation is my wife and I become the afternoon shift, oh, and morning, and evening. Such is the life we chose.
This sounds familiar. My wife and I run our business 7 days per week and have had two weeks off since 2003 . . . and we are not naturally work-a-holics. We used to vacation several times a year but owning a business takes-away that luxury.
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Pizza De Puta:
This sounds familiar. My wife and I run our business 7 days per week and have had two weeks off since 2003 . . . and we are not naturally work-a-holics. We used to vacation several times a year but owning a business takes-away that luxury.
Sounds like you just need to try closing for a week and see what happens…I am sure this will be good for your health and not hurt your business that bad…So pick a week in January and go for it…
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We are having the same experiences. Most people would rather be on the government dole and that is the goal of the government of course. The more people that are dependent on the government the more they will control our lives. If Obama gets in again things are going to be much worse. I have been reading about his plans and goals and none of them are going to help us. They will make us even more dependent on government. This is sick and not how this country became so successful. Problem is our school system has been dumbed down so much that most people do not have clue about what is happening. Actually they don’t care either as long as they can pick up their government check. We apparently learn nothing from history. Every country that has followed this path has seen its citizens lose their freedoms via Socialism, Marxism or some other form of totalitarianism. We are as close to this point as we have ever been in history and we are seemingly going down without a whimper.
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“I have been reading about his plans and goals and none of them are going to help us… Every country that has followed this path has seen its citizens lose their freedoms via Socialism, Marxism or some other form of totalitarianism. We are as close to this point as we have ever been in history”

Reading what? The BS version produced by his opponents? Hmmmm “totalitarianism” Like Canada? All of Western Europe?

Here is another take on 2nd term plans: … r-medicaid

No doubt there is plenty to disagree with but perhaps avoiding partisan hyperbole would be a good idea. Have to agree with you about the schools though. They have let standards slip terribly.
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arghh . . . texting . . . cell phones . . .

In our non-restaurant related business I one by one terminated all our employees for too little productivity, too little sales, and too much electronic socialization. I use only family members now and there are NO cell phones in the building.

Once we open our restaurant, I’m going to have a signed statement from every employee acknowledging immediate termination for using a cell phone while on duty at work.

Raw nerve–I’m sick of these things.
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Re: I’m tired of hearing about the bad job market…
by bodegahwy » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:00 am

“I have been reading about his plans and goals and none of them are going to help us… Every country that has followed this path has seen its citizens lose their freedoms via Socialism, Marxism or some other form of totalitarianism. We are as close to this point as we have ever been in history”

Reading what? The BS version produced by his opponents? Hmmmm “totalitarianism” Like Canada? All of Western Europe?

Here is another take on 2nd term plans: … r-medicaid

No doubt there is plenty to disagree with but perhaps avoiding partisan hyperbole would be a good idea. Have to agree with you about the schools though. They have let standards slip terribly.​

International Franchisers convention in DC. The headline was that
Obamacare will cut profits in half. Medicare has already been cut by about 750 billion in order to help pay for Obamacare. On January 1st we are going to be hit with a long list of new taxes.

As for Europe, France is in deep trouble. One of the solutions from their new Socialist president is to impose a 75% tax on the wealthy. Now there are reports that the wealthy are making plans to leave. Maybe they will have to redefine who the wealthy are and extend the 75% tax to the not so wealthy?
Spain is cooked. Greece is already dead. Italy is in the same boat as Spain. Germany appears to remain fairly strong but under great pressure to bail out the Euro (again). A twelve year member of the English parliament gave a speech here in the US a few months ago. He said, in effect, that England is beyond help now. Financially they are in deep trouble. Their educational system is ineffective/dumbed down. Their health care is dismal and getting worse with long waits for even critical care. He said there is little hope for us while saying that the United States is on the same path but the U.S. still has time to turn it around.
There was an article in the English version of the Russian newspaper, Pravda, and the headline was that Capitalism was dead in the United States and it died without a whimper. It said the people (the article said “sheep”) willingly accepted its death.

Most of us want the same things. We want to work hard and take care of our families while enjoying the freedoms that were originally endowed by our founders. There are very visible signs that this becoming more difficult in recent times. There is something very sick about so many people today thinking that they are entitled to so many free benefits whether those benefits are coming from food stamps or other forms of welfare. One person’s supposed entitlement requires one of us to pay for it. There are people who need and deserve help but today it would seem that the majority of welfare recipients are capable of first helping themselves. I recently had to take my daughter to the emergency health care facility (actually three times in 45 days) in the middle of the night. I was shocked to see that the waiting area (huge) was filled with people on the floors (some sleeping) as well as every other space available. Most of these people were not paying from what I could see but it was the first thing I was asked about when I entered.
We taxpayers are paying for all of this and at a time when our economy is in the tank. I hear some of the younger guys in the gym talking about their “fun money”, which I learned was unemployment checks, and how they are enjoying it until it runs out and they have to look for a job. We are paying for this and it is becoming so easy for people to tap into it. None of this is good for business or for the country. People are learning that it is not necessary to work, that it is not necessary to do all that one can before looking for government welfare. It is a sickness that is beginning to affect all of us. This is not the ethic that made this country the best in the world. This is the ethic that is destroying some other countries around the world.
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I have not read all the posts in here, so I am just replying in terms of what the main topic was about. But I put an ad out on Craigslist looking for someone to go around and hand out flyers to businesses, churches, hotels, etc. Basically be a community representative. I put out the ad for starting, no experience, $9/hr (which is about $1.33 over minimum wage here), + Bonuses for increased revenue. I got three e-mails basically referring to me as a cheap bastard, that they can get $250ish a week on unemployment.

Shame to see our country now has that mind set.
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“Obamacare will cut profits in half. Medicare has already been cut by about 750 billion in order to help pay for Obamacare. On January 1st we are going to be hit with a long list of new taxes.”

Excellent examples of exactly what I am talking about:
  1. Obama care has zero impact on businesses with fewer than 50 employees… hmmm More than a little hyperbole there.
  2. Medicare had zero changes in benefits to qualified recipients, some cuts made in reibursement rates but mainly a shifting of where things are billed; i.e. not a change in tax or benefits.
  3. New Taxes? OK… list them. Read through the details. Yes, there are changes to various deductions and tax thresholds. There are also tax increases on high income but not new taxes on individual with taxable incomes less than 200K and couple over 250K. There are also changes on things like what benefits are taxable so an employer providing a health insurance plan to an employee family that costs more than $27,000 per year will have to call that a taxable benefits. hmmm seems fair to me.
Here is a good summary of the tax changes and how they impact individuals: … _Way_2.pdf

Read it and think about who it impacts. Does it impact you? Any of your employees? Even for a company with many employees at these levels of compensation, think about what portion of total wage cost these employees represent and what the impact will be. Seems pretty small to me!

Europe has it’s troubles… for sure. But I do not see totalitarian govt’s popping up. Pravda? Seriously, you are quoting Pravda?

A new tax on the wealthy? How about just going back to the tax rates we had during the largest economic expansion in history (also known as the Clinton era). Bush handed out goodies to the wealthy and for what? The story spun that they are the people who create jobs? Nonsense. If businesses large or small uses money to create jobs it is already exempt from taxes (you get a deduction!). Investment income is already treated favorably under the tax code.

The health care mandate could be considered a tax I guess… but it will be a LOT less expensive for us than the private health insurance we currently buy! One of the reasons health care is so expensive is all the free loaders not paying into the system. I think the new system will SAVE a lot of money for those of us that have been paying.

Spouting the Republical partisan line with out doing a little homework is getting a little thin don’t you think?

I can’t speak to the California unemployment situation… but that is a state matter.
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My own personal complaint with unemployment:

We hired a laid-off city employee for <10 hours per week (Said that was the most they could work and keep UE benefits and we needed a couple of short shifts per week covered).

After the season, the employee asked to be taken off the schedule since there was an expectation of a new full time job coming up and the employee was hoping to take a couple of weeks out of town before starting.

Long story short, the new job did not come through. Employee filed an extended claim for unemployment and we got billed even though the employee asked to be taken off the schedule and we offered hours at the hearing.

Go figure.

We do, however, have quite a stack of job applications from the last few weeks though.
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My own personal complaint with unemployment:

We hired a laid-off city employee for <10 hours per week (Said that was the most they could work and keep UE benefits and we needed a couple of short shifts per week covered).

After the season, the employee asked to be taken off the schedule since there was an expectation of a new full time job coming up and the employee was hoping to take a couple of weeks out of town before starting.

Long story short, the new job did not come through. Employee filed an extended claim for unemployment and we got billed even though the employee asked to be taken off the schedule and we offered hours at the hearing.

Go figure.

We do, however, have quite a stack of job applications from the last few weeks though.
Had a very similar situation here. Hired a server for a 35 hour per week job and then received an unemployment claim about 3 weeks later. She was not putting any of her tips on the claim, indicating that she was making $75 per week ($2.13/hr.)

I called the state and told them what was going on. About a week later I received a request from the employee that she could only work 20 hours per week (presumably to remain under the maximum for UE benefits.)

She refused to work the originally agreed upon 35 hours, and not wanting to try to find a 15 hour employee to make it up we let her go.

I received a new unemployment claim about a week later. I couldn’t believe it! She filed unemployment when I had a full time job available for her! Surely THAT would never get approved by the state…

She won. She got the benefits and it was charged to my account. I’m still in shock over that one, but since she only worked for about a month our portion is tiny so we didn’t pursue it any further.

Politics aside, I think most could agree that the UE system has it’s flaws in that it can indirectly cause people to not seek employment.
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The worse story I have heard like this came from a friend of mine who is now running for state senator. Her husband is a doctor and they are partnered with a couple of other doctors in a clinic. They had a receptionist working part time and as business grew they decided to make her full time, give her a pay raise and assign her some duties which she was already doing but not in her original job description. She quit because she did not want the extra hours and filed unemployment because they changed the terms of her employment. They disputed the claim and lost. Not only did she turn down available work, it was at a higher rate of pay and yet, somehow, she was able to collect.

The system is broken.
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It’s NUTS! I have a young unmarried, mother of two who works as a server for us. She has 3 4 hour shifts each week her choice, she didn’t want more b/c it’d “put her over on her check”. She filed for unemployment benefits on us, I protested stating very clearly with check stubs etc. that she is EMPLOYED. The fine folks in Washington tell me that we have “underemployed her” so I’m liable to basically make up the difference of what she “should be earning”. What?

I brought their attention to the fact she’s tending bar across town a couple nights a week for cash…no paper trail. They weren’t interested. We’re all screwed.
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Overall my experineces have not been bad. We have had maybe a dozen UE claims over the years we have been open. Of these two have been charged to us. I think that both of those were silly (the one described above and another woman who had a mouth like a sailor but claimed she quit because of foul language in the kitchen)

All in all, the claims denied or otherwise not charged to us made sense. I think there is a lot of variation in this from state to state.
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Same story here. We had a gal who was single with a small baby. Between taking care of her kid and attending college classes, she had ZERO hours available to work during business hours. We got stuck with the unemployment bill despite protesting.
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