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Increase lunch sales

reference usa is amaz-ballz!!! If your local library is worth anything you can usually create an account for FREE.99 through them and access it from anywere…I also get new move in lists from reference usa…like i said…AMAZ-BALLZ
Our library, unfortunately, doesn’t offer this service. Does anyone know of another way of obtaining information of businesses in the area??
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Our library, unfortunately, doesn’t offer this service. Does anyone know of another way of obtaining information of businesses in the area??
My library doesn’t either, I tried a few in towns nearby until I found one who offered it.
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Special discount offers to customers at every meal helps to increase your restaurant sale.
You may apply some changes in food menu specially Chinese cuisines.
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I bought my pizzeria exactly a year ago. Previous owner didn’t invest into marketing at all. We started Mail Shark in October and since then our sales have doubled. But lunch is still slow. We created a lunch special and hung a large vinyl banner advertising it, but the increase has been incremental. We don’t have large office buildings anywhere nearby. I thought at first that maybe it’s just not that kind of an area, but then I’ve learned that a sandwich place five blocks away is killing it. They’ve been around for 40 years, so I guess that helps:) Any ideas on how to create lunch traffic will be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys in advance!
Do some recon and find out what kind of sandwiches they’re selling that are so popular.
And if you know someone who knows someone that eats there, ask them why they like it so much.

This kind of insight can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in how you position your pizzeria.

Maybe they serve healthy sandwiches that are good on the go.
Make healthy, hand held calzones they can eat on the go.

Maybe they heard about it from a flyer their real estate agent gave them about the neighborhood when they first moved in.
So start collaborating with real estate agents.

Get me?
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