Do you know for sure that they are credit cards or could they be debit cards? The majority of cards that we swipe are debit cards.This interesting as credit limits have been cut and many cards even those who were in good standing are being closed by the card company…
Same as us. Our machine runs all debit cards like they are credit. I have swiped thousands of cards and have only had a problem once with a customer. He told me the card was debit, about 10% of the customers will tell me it is debit or credit. I just said “okay” as usual and swiped the card. When he realized he didn’t enter his pin number he got angry and told me " I said debit not credit!" I tried to explain to him that our machine doesn’t have a pin pad and runs everything like it is credit. Not sure if I am to blame here or if the customer is.we do not offer a pinpad for debit and just key or swipe all cards as credit cards.
Debit cards are just ATM cards with the Visa or MC logo…Credit Cards have been cutting limits and or closing accounts across the board for about the last 6-8 months and what is different about this is that it did not matter if your account was in good standing or not…Easygoer13:
Do you know for sure that they are credit cards or could they be debit cards? The majority of cards that we swipe are debit cards.This interesting as credit limits have been cut and many cards even those who were in good standing are being closed by the card company…