Just stopped taking checks


New member
Oh my God I got 14 bad checks in past 30 days and 3 of them ordered at least 2 times in that time period. I never got that many bad check in 30 days, I usually get 14 bad checks in a year.

So we stopped taking checks on all of our stores even though on the menu it says we do.

I couldn’t take anymore fighting with customers. I don’t know how many times I went to customers house and knock the door for my money.
But I am happier than ever not accepting checks anymore; although average I pay 2.5% to 3. % for CC fees.

One thing is that as years past Credit card usage goes higher and higher.

Those of you still taking checks watch out, people don’t have cash anymore in the bank.
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Interesting… I just started taking checks :lol: But I’m using a check guarantee service. If the check bounces, I still get the money. The fee is a little less than a CC transaction.
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So are you guys taking checks because of delivery or do people write them at the store? Just curious. We don’t deliver so we’ve only taken check cards and credit cards. It’s a lot easier having the computer keeping track of sales versus storing and dealing with checks.
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Its a pain in the rear to deal with checks. Customers get mad at us when they bounce or get embarrassed and don’t come back. With the advent of check cards, we rarely get asked anyway. We do take business checks and have had only one bounce in the past three years.
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It is true they do get emberassed and never order again.

I never had any problem taking business checks, we still take them.
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must be a sign of the times…we stopped taking checks 3 weeks ago…I would rather get 98.5% of the sale guaranteed through credit cards than deal with these people that can’t balance a checkbook.
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if they have checks they have a debit or check card,welcome to the new millenium.
not necessarily… my father wouldn’t even know what a debit or check card is
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must be a sign of the times…we stopped taking checks 3 weeks ago…I would rather get 98.5% of the sale guaranteed through credit cards than deal with these people that can’t balance a checkbook.
Not necessarily as I just got 7 chargebacks from 1 scumbag(2 different cards). My bank only charges me $8 per bounced check but my CC processor charges me $25 for chargebacks.
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Not necessarily as I just got 7 chargebacks from 1 scumbag(2 different cards). My bank only charges me $8 per bounced check but my CC processor charges me $25 for chargebacks.
What? :?

Chargeback? Looking at that other thread, I thought I was the only one who got chargebacks! I guess it’s just you and I! 😉
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I don’t get many except for once in a blue moon some scumbag like this gets over on me. Most years, I actually only get 3-5 of them.
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I agree…while my mom knows what a debit card/check card is, she’s 71 and refuses to get one.

She’d rather someone forge a check than to have access to her cash flow immediately, and you know, I don’t blame her thinking there.
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