Just wanted to give an update on opening


New member
This post is by no means a post to brag or anything like that.
I opened my doors Friday the 13th at 4pm with no advertising, hand outs,fliers or anything.I am in a little stip mall (4 stores) in a town of about 20K.
I broke the 1,000 mark on the following Thursday and my first week of sales amounted to 6,335.
My second week I hit 7,500 and am trying for 10K this week,my third week.I just got home from doing a 1,270 Tues which is only my 3rd Tues.
Is my recipe really that good?
On Thurs,fri, sat nights I tell people 1 hr for pick ups and as soon as we can get it there on Deliveries.There are 5 other pizzerias in a 2 mile radius.Everyone told me I was crazy to open ANOTHER pizzeria.
What I’m trying to understand is,is this really that hard of a business?
I was actualy hoping to do 5K a week by the end of the yr and be happy with those#'s
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Top stuff, Derek

Great to hear of your success.

You always have a solid few weeks opening and then a downturn, but with the solid base you have built get out there with advertising, doorhangers, boxtoppers and keep the momentum rolling.

And wait for the accolade from J_r0kk 😃

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Warning…Danger Ahead…

Derek be careful. When we opened our 2nd store in December we had the same thing…we were packed. Our sales were through the roof. We were on cloud nine.

A few posters said to me it will die off after about 6 weeks. I thought they were crazy. The feedback was great from customers we were hopping all day everday. Well after about 6 weeks it did die off. We are have a steady and slowly increasing sale base now but be prepared.

With what little time you have right now you need to be planning your marketing strategy (if you haven’t already) for when this happens…cuz trust me it will. I would make sure to get the carry out and delivery times under control now. People can accept it the first couple of days but by now you should have this kink figured out.

Don’t get me wrong… I am thrilled for your success and high five to you. I hope it doesn’t die but wish I would have listened and been more prepared when I was going through it!
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Hello derek and cograts, 1 st of all never be happy w/ just making 5k a week.There is so much $$ to be made out there w/ just a little smart marketing.New pizzerias are usually very busy in the very beginning,but be ready for the best challenges yet.This business will reduce or flatten out in numbers but have no fear bro because you can keep this ball rolling and then some.Use what $$ your making now to invest into advertising/marketing A.S.A.P…Give them more than one reason to keep coming back to you and as far as telling people when it gets there for the delivery, hmmm I would bite that in the butt NOW!People will absolutely not put up w/ that no matter how good the food is,this is a fact.And 1 hour for p/u’s this is borderline rediculous,but let them see how fast you can improve your store for this will let people know that you do know what your doing.And to your last question …Is this business really that hard?
To sum it all up in one answer is yes it is really hard,but really exciting also.We can reitterate this question in 1 year from now…lol

Best of luck to ya bro,
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Best said ever…Cheers foe Goomba , couldnt have said it betta!!! 😃
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Very nice opening. I opened at the end of June and last night I lloked at my month of July and we did a little over $7000 for the whole month, so be very happy with what you have got!
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Congrats on the strong sales.




Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, the other guys are right. You are going through your “honeymoon period” at your store. Sales are going to be fantastic for the next couple weeks. Don’t, however, under any circumstances fool yourself into thinking this will last forever with no marketing. Everyone will try out the “new place” a couple times the first month and a half. After that, people who’ve ordered from you once a week or once every other week will eventually slow down and become more consistent at once per month. The time is now to create a larger customer base. You can keep this ball rolling but you’ve got to be smart about where you are now and what you can go out there and get. If the money’s rolling in use it wisely and get your marketing together right now, which I’m sure is already a tall order because you’re so busy with the restaurant, but you’ve got to find the time to get it done. If you play this by the book, your sales could very well stay where they are, or even increase. Good luck.

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It’s possible that you are above the rest. If that is the case, your honeymoon might last a little longer. I found that the town I operated in, everyone was held hostage to the same old crap. My slow down did come and that was when Katrina hit, 7 months after I opened. I’m far away but the damage was nationwide.

Don’t try to predict when it comes to this industry. Keep improving, giving the best quality, customer service and speed.

Be UNIQUE. Understand that it is NOT all about pizza but have the best pizza around.

Good Luck : )

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