Kitchen Rental


New member
Anybody ever rented their kitchen out to a non-competing business?? I have had a request from someone making confections to lease out space during off hours until she is able to build her own shop. Was just wondering about what would be a fair price and also about liability etc. I would obviously make her sign some kind of waiver about injuries and damage to equipment, etc. Curious to know if anyone else has ever considered doing this.
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I know some health departments let a kitchen have dual occupancy. But I think it would be in you best interests to protect yourself a little. I would think the you would want them to has is their own insurance policies aka workmans comp, property, liability. God forbid some one gets hurt or sick…and i believe that would also mean that you are subleasing your space. That may get you in trouble with the landlord if you have one. Anyway, i thinks it’s worth a shot and has minimal risk on your end.
We used to rent out kitchen to a cake company…They were in by 7am and out by 2pm or 3pm…was a good deal while it lasted…He could not build up enough business to make it viable…RCS…
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we’re closed 2 days a week. i get people asking me all the time. have rented it before, for cheap, to help people out. currently i get $40 for a half day, which is obviously ridiculous but the lady is nice and trying to start her own granola business. it’s hard to start a new business when you need a certified kitchen… there just aren;t many people willing to rent theirs. anyway, it has worked okay for me for a couple years. no problems, but i should get more . i’d say $150 a day is a good price. but only if you need the money or feel charitable. i’d meet them, get a feel for it, go with your gut. start out at $25 an hour and let them know you may go up…