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KIVA (1st posting updated)


Active member
So has anyone ever used this to raise money? ?

Can I rally any more support from my peers on this forum. The link is posted below in another conversation. You can read my profile, and read conversations posted by me as my journey continues thru this move on the kiva site. We hope & plan to get moved by the end of June, but the red tape with the county waste department is dragging, so its going to look more like just after the 4th of July holiday

I have already put the last of my $10k into this move & am trying to raise the remaining $5k. Any money loaned to me thru this is 100% guaranteed to be paid back by me. I have already exhausted my personal network of friends and family.

This move would be extremely beneficial for my business to thrive. It means I would not have to put up with a jerk of a landlord. He is threatening to raise my rent to $1800, I can never afford that, my new location in a 10 year lease will never exceed $1200. New location is also in town, closer to all my customers, lease is extremely less than what Im paying now, basically for same size unit $1015, I would be saving alot with this move
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My local Metro Community Development set me up with this. I would rather not us gofundme because I would rather be able to pay donations back and this KIVA is perfect it keeps track of lenders also is pretty nice I dont get charged a % fee as gofundme charges

I have already put in $10k of my own money for the move just looking for a way to fund the last $5k
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My local Metro Community Development set me up with this. I would rather not us gofundme because I would rather be able to pay donations back and this KIVA is perfect it keeps track of lenders also is pretty nice I dont get charged a % fee as gofundme charges

I have already put in $10k of my own money for the move just looking for a way to fund the last $5k
What about your county’s Economic development entity? It might be worth a shot, they tend to shy away from start-ups, but should offer a microloan for an existing biz without too much hassle.
The EDC should help, but there is some serious corruption in many of these govt. funded orgs, some seem to just do enough loans to their friends just to justify their outrageous salary. Our county EDC has spent $5Million over a 36 month period, and they have only saved or created 5 jobs. They are being investigated right now
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What about a small loan from a peer-to-peer lending site like Prosper?
Sorry been extremely busy trying to get things completed for other location. I looked into “Prosper” and did not feel that it was a peer to peer business. To me it seems more of a lending company just like a bank or CU.

GOTROCKS: We already looked at our EDC they directed us over to our local “Metro Community Development” office

Kiva is a 100% peer to peer group, a non profit. people from all over the world see your plead and lend from
$5-$100, and its more of a better fit for me. So far I have had people from California to New Jersey to Korea loan me $5 or more & as stated any money loaned to me thru this is 100% guaranteed to be paid back by me.
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I made it through the private fundraising period and now my loan is posted on the Kiva Zip public page! I have 30 days left to fund the remainder of my loan to receive my loan -
funding on Kiva Zip is an all or nothing deal. This means if I don’t reach my goal, I will receive absolutely nothing

If you’re still interested in supporting me, please use the following link:

It’s important that lenders who are new to Kiva Zip use this link because your first loan will count towards the rewards program, which includes the following:

· If 30 new first-time lenders lend to my campaign, Kiva Zip will tweet my loan.

· If 35 new first-time lenders lend to my campaign, Kiva Zip will turn on loan matching for the duration of my campaign, while supplies last, for loans up to $100.

Please consider lending - I sincerely appreciate your support! Let me know if you have any questions.

Every little bit helps, so please visit this link before June 20th to lend as little as $5:
If you can, spread the word to your friends, families, and coworkers! This is a loan, not a donation, so you will get your money back as I repay the loan. Thank you for your support!”

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Maybe try to get this on social networking too. You may be surprised at the spread of it.
I put it out on my FB, because KIVA required me to, Kiva requires you to get 20 of your friends to loan first before they take your profile off private status to public status, but as stated above I exhausted all my friends and family, they also have been sharing it on their FB. I dont have other social media besides my business page & I do not want to put it on my business page until I give my landlord my notice of leaving
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CALLING ALL FRIENDS: I just received this email from KIVA

Dear Kiva Zip Borrowers,

On Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th we will be matching all loans from new lenders that you invite to Kiva Zip (up to $100). If your loan is already being matched you’ll receive double matching!

Just a $5 loan will drastically help me to reach my goal a bit faster. Please find it within your heart to help me out. I could really use this to get my business moved in order to survive and keep the doors open
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Done, Good Luck Daisy

All loans made between today & Friday get matched, not only you but another friend loaned yesterday he loaned $50 and it became $100…

You do not realize how much this means to me. My deadline is approaching quickly the week of the 20th seems to be inching closer and closer and I still have a long ways to go with my goal…
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A few comments I copied off of my campaign page:
Porter, Zip Lender
Fellow LENDERS!!! Please take a look at this 32 year old business, now run by a tireless
lady with a very well-thought out business plan and use for our money!!! She BADLY needs to move this business to the new location. She knows where every penny needs to go and we need to get her the wherewithal to move and grow. Let’s help!!! pw: about 2 hours ago

Deborah, Zip Lender and Borrower: Thank You Brent wink emoticon: about 3 hours ago

Brent, Zip Lender: All the best I’m rooting for you.

Just a $5 loan will drastically help me to reach my goal a bit faster. This is not a scam & is 100% safe & secure

On Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th KIVA will be matching all loans from new lenders that I invite to Kiva Zip (up to $100). This means if you loan me $5, Kiva will match your $5
Please keep in mind this is not a donation its a loan your making. I have less than 20 days left to fund the remainder of my loan to receive my loan - funding on Kiva Zip is an all or nothing deal. This means if I don’t reach my goal, I will receive absolutely nothing. If you’re still interested in supporting me, please use the following link:

Please consider lending - I sincerely appreciate your support! Let me know if you have any questions. Every little bit helps, so please visit this link before June 20th to lend as little as $5:

If you can, spread the word to your friends, families, and coworkers! This is a loan, not a donation, so you will get your money back as I repay the loan. Thank you for your support!”
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So far I have raised $2300 & I still have $22oo to go. Today is the last day Kiva will be matching first time visitors from my network to lend me money. Your $5 loan can turn into $10 for me. I have finally today reach my first goal of 30 friends & family to lend so KIVA will be posting my profile on Twitter, If I can get 5 more from my network KIVA will match their loans as well…

I know you guys do not know me personally on here but if you can find it within your heart to help a fellow business owner out it really would be greatly appreciated. Kiva is an ALL or NOTHING campaign so if I dont reach my goal by the 24th I will loose everything I have worked so hard for

Yesterday I signed my new lease & finally gave my current landlord notice that we will be moving out & if everything goes as planned I should be moving the last week of June and pray to be back open July 6th
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