Lincoln 1450 exhaust Hood


New member
:roll: Hello, Anyone have a single, Lincoln 1450 oven :?: Looking to put a exhaust hood in, but I need to know what size, and type? Does it need to have filters :?: Will it need make up air :?: What cfm for the exhaust, and make up air fan would I need :?: Any, and all help would be greatly appreciated :!: Thank You 😃
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I have a reconditioned 1450. Some of the exhaust specs. depend on your city and county. I had the company that did the rest of my HVAC build the hood. Mine is just sheet metal frame, no filters, no ansul system, does have make up air. It also depends on what you’ll be cooking in the oven. I am considered a class 2 warming oven, because I don’t have greasy foods. If you’re cooking steaks and such, you may need to have an ansul system. Most of it depends on the area, but the company that builds the hood should be able to help you with that.
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