local broadcasting


Staff member
anyone know what kind of equipment is needed if I wanted to air the local high school football/basketball game (stadium and arean 1 block away)
was thinking of approaching the A/V team at the high school and donating the equipment for there use if they allow and its withen a budget
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Be careful , the FCC is out there. I do a little community broad cast out of my building and can only go like 1 frequency or so sort of cb ranges or you run into licenses and stuff. If you bleed over to any bigger stations you can run into some big fines so I had a local DJ guy hook mine up so I would not trod on any toes… I only go out about a 5 mile radius around the bldg.
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All you need is a FM transmiter and a snall antenna. We use this system with our portable Drive in movie screen. It covers about a 5-6 mile radius. It allows you to pick a frequency that is not in use so you dont overlap with other people. You can find them on ebay or radio shack etc.
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