I am doing my research into an area to open a new DelCo, and have been reading the numerous posts regarding populations vs. competition. I found rural cities with 1 DelCo for every 400 people, and it seems to defy logic that they can exist. And then I’ve found other areas with 10,000 people to 1 DelCo. But, here is my question:
I’m looking at a city (to be a little vague) in or near KY, TN or GA. I’ve found a region that I can draw a 6 mile diameter circle, and not hit a DelCo or any major land formation (rivers or mountains disturbing normal population distribution). At 8 mile diameter circle over the same location I hit 7 DelCo’s on the outside edges. These circles, according to demographicsguru.com have at 3 miles radius (6 miles diameter) 16,000 addresses (10% apartment and 10% business). At 4 miles radius (8 miles diameter) 28,457 addresses with the same mix. The average home value is $75,000 and the average income is $32,000.
If my plans were to create an average cost, average quality pizza with delivery and pickup (no dine-in), what issues can you draw from these demographics? Is the population too poor to support pizza? :shock: I would need to pull $27 a year from each of the 15,000 addresses. Is the house values such that delivery may not be safe at night? I have no good statistics on crime to pull from.
I’ve looked at older phone book listings, and can not find standard or franchised DelCos that were in this area. Could a population so despise pizza as to create this hole, and still be covered by the Constitution of the United States?
Any comments would be appreciated.
I am doing my research into an area to open a new DelCo, and have been reading the numerous posts regarding populations vs. competition. I found rural cities with 1 DelCo for every 400 people, and it seems to defy logic that they can exist. And then I’ve found other areas with 10,000 people to 1 DelCo. But, here is my question:
I’m looking at a city (to be a little vague) in or near KY, TN or GA. I’ve found a region that I can draw a 6 mile diameter circle, and not hit a DelCo or any major land formation (rivers or mountains disturbing normal population distribution). At 8 mile diameter circle over the same location I hit 7 DelCo’s on the outside edges. These circles, according to demographicsguru.com have at 3 miles radius (6 miles diameter) 16,000 addresses (10% apartment and 10% business). At 4 miles radius (8 miles diameter) 28,457 addresses with the same mix. The average home value is $75,000 and the average income is $32,000.
If my plans were to create an average cost, average quality pizza with delivery and pickup (no dine-in), what issues can you draw from these demographics? Is the population too poor to support pizza? :shock: I would need to pull $27 a year from each of the 15,000 addresses. Is the house values such that delivery may not be safe at night? I have no good statistics on crime to pull from.
I’ve looked at older phone book listings, and can not find standard or franchised DelCos that were in this area. Could a population so despise pizza as to create this hole, and still be covered by the Constitution of the United States?
Any comments would be appreciated.