looking for a more distinctive bake...


New member
Looking for more capacity and a distinctive bake…

energy costs are so high now…that new ovens really do pay for themselves…
I can add impingement no problem…there are lots of choices and even Middleby has a zero down
no interest 5 year lease…which is very attractive…

but I am leaning towards maybe picard granite conveyor or maybe even a stack of 3
hb6 ctx…

anyone want to chime in?? I have doulbe 360’s now…

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This is my oven:


I have the 4 deck. It has lowered my use of air conditioning and natural gas enough to pay for itself. And it is incredibly efficient. This is a version of the most popular oven in Europe. I went to the facility with all my ingredients and made dough, then baked it in the oven before I bought one. I have been absolutely 100% satisfied with my purchase. I sell sheets of pizza that are made on bun pans (18"x26") and I sell thin crust round pies. On Tuesday I did 18 sheets, 2 pies, 9 strombolis, and a couple hot subs all in 20 minutes. After we took the last pan out the oven temp. gauge said it had only lost 3 degrees. 1 minute later it was at the proper temp.
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thanks for the reply…but I need to do 50 16inch pies in 15 minutes…without adding more labor …

the oven probably bakes a nice pizza but I need a conveyor type
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I see then the capacity is there…however I don;t want to stand in front of the oven shuffling stuff around…too much training and work…conveyor is high capacity no babysitting…

but I am sure I would love the bake of that oven…
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Hello Sal,I think you probably have some of the best conveyers around right now as for as producing fast and consistent pies.As for as enrgy is concerned I think you have to focus on other things in house to be more efficient in energy to make up for ovens lack of.
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Big Sal indicates
Middleby has a zero down
no interest 5 year lease…which is very attractive…

Gm:At the price of Middleby ovens its no bargain to get a 0 down no interest lease.
Many other ovens with as good or better performance, as low or lower, operating cost, easer to clean , no lubrication points, no fan belts to break, and lower parts cost, are available at vastly lower cost and lower lease payments.

George Mills
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You are looking for a more distinctive bake, how are you going to achieve that? Higher temps? Top higher temp than bottom? For the curious mind…
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