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Looking for a pizza oven that can be used without a hood and accepted by NYCDOH.


New member
Hello Mr. DD/TL,
I am planning to open a small pizza place in a mall in NYC. The NYC Health inspector mentioned, products that release grease in the atmosphere needs some sort of suction or vent. I do not have the option to install the vent at my place. Please can you recommend an option based on my scenario? I have zero knowledge in this business and my little research suggested that a convection oven could be a hope in doing this business. However, under cook and pasty pizza is I think a drawback of using a convection oven. Is convection oven is the only option for me or there are other options out there?

Please suggest an oven that can be used without a vent/hood and that is acceptable to New York City Department of Health AND that makes decent quality pizza.

God Bless!
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