Looking for advice on Sticky Pans


New member
Our shop uses an old style deep-dish pan for our pizzas. We had about 40 pans on a shelf for a few years and it seems that the oil on them has turned sticky and is extremely difficult to get off. Has anyone encountered an issue like this before, if so please let me know how you resolved it, it’s driving me crazy. We have tried degreasers, pressure washing and baking off with not very good results.

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Yep, I’m quite familiar with what you are seeing. It’s called polymerizing of the oil. In short, it has turned to a varnish. I see it all the time when I encounter used pans that have been in storage for a period of time (several months is all it takes to get it started). The best thing that I’ve found to clean it off of the pans is Carbonoff <www.carbonoff.com>.
Once you have thew pans cleaned, if they are silver, the pans will need to be reseasoned. If they are a black, anodized finih, the Carbonoff will not damage the finish so all you will need to do is to oil the pan when you use if again after cleaning. I like to clean the anodized pans daily to eliminate any chance of the oil polymerizing as a result of multiple trips through the oven.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks for the help, I am going to order the Carbonoff and give it a shot.

Thanks again,
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I used WD40 to get the sticky off. then you have to wash and re-season them.
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Another use for that miracle stuff WD-40.
I’ll have to give it a try.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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