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Looking for POS help


New member
This question has probably been asked before. Since my husband wants fresh info I’m here to ask again 🙂
We are small mom and pop pizza shop looking for a good reliable 2 station POS System under $5k.
Does anyone have any sugguestions? I’ve seen on some older forms here a POS Pizza mentioned anyone still using that?
Thank you for all you help. Sue 🙂
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The first system I build was a POSPizza system. It is perfect for a starter system for many reasons. You know you need some sort of POS, might as well invest in something very reasonable and reliable.

It will happily run on just about any computer. I pieced my first system together with $50 in used equipment when I was struggling through at my first store.

You can pick up a terminal like this:

At for about $1000, or for an even cheaper option, you can just use a value PC and a normal monitor. Looking for computer at amazon the have new ones starting at $399.

Small investments like that will pay for themselves with the first database direct mailer you send out. Once the system is paid for, you can start to study the other systems and get a handle on some of the other services and offerings they have. Most users don’t fully utilize their POS systems anyway, so looking at a list of perks doesn’t much help.
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We went with the Point of Success system because it allowed us to pick up hardware on our own and put it all together. I have a 3 station system and have a bit less than $1200 invested in included running all our CAT5 cable. I sourced all the ELO 17" monitors off Ebay, paying no more than $125 each. I have less than $100 in each of the 4 printers we use. We bought pretty much all the software options save the Central whatever it is. I still have some time to invest in getting all our stuff in and priced, but frankly it’s not been all that bad to set up and the staff has taken to it like,well, teens.
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Chances are for being in that price range your going to be programming the the input keys yourself. Even if you do find something that they are programming I’ll offer the following advise.

I would advise you to get demos from micro/prism, diamond touch, and any other pos demo you can get your hands on (even though they are out of your price range) and study how the keys are programmed.

Even though my systems was programmed for me, I was very adamant on how I wanted the the pizza key to look, they argued a little and then gave in and did it the way I wanted it. Couple of years later I got to see a system that they did, that had the pizza key the way they do it, I would have thrown the thing across the room if I had to put up with that on a daily basis.

Also, start now with the orders that you have, any special notations extra crispy, extra sauce, lite sauce, etc , and make note of that it will make it easier for when your programming.

Good luck !!
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