lunch time faxing/ part 2


Staff member
There have been several discussions about lunch time faxing.
I think I am going to do a little experiment. My new shop opens November 1st. (god willing). I am not going to promote at all during this month and see what kind of income this can generate!
I have been with RFG Marketingfor a long time and they have built a great client base for my lunch!
I cant say enough about this company…In todays world we all know how tight it is on an advertising budget…every dollar counts! also they set up this online ordering for me…what do you think?
goes through them and faxes right over to me!!!
the best part as we all know they call the business and get permissions and keep them there on file…IF you try this yourself make sure you get permission as UNAPPROVED SOLICITATION is illegal.
I will follow up later to let you know the results
what does everyone else do for lunch time?
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We used to have the slowest lunches on earth. They were horrible.

We came up with quite a few lunch specials which include pizza and soda and if they want to add a small salad for a buck they can.

We also started taking orders as early as 9 am

It sounds as though you do mostly delivery…Make sure every person in your store is available to deliver. Set your delivery to be the quickest possible.

Make sure your packaging is done well. Always have plastic ware etc. with every single order.

Tell your customers they can call ahead and place the order. By 9:30 we have delivery “reservations” and what is nice about this is I can figure out the best delivery plans.

Your service, quality have to be top notch…every single time. Remember most people have 1/2 hour for lunch…no time for a screw up.

Our lunches are incredible now. We have a waiting line for dine in. Our delivery is nuts…What is nice about them calling ahead is the factories mostly go on break at the same time so one driver might take 6 deliveries where as before we would get one take one. get one take one. The second they would leave we would get another order to the exact location.

Hang in there it will improve if you continue to improve.

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