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Mail Shark - Menu Mailers


New member
My plan is to send out menu’s to local community. I’m going to have MailShark design/print and I will do EDDM. I noticed that MA only does glossy print. 5k Costs around 16 cents a piece I recall. If I add the 18.7 cents for USPS EDDM. Let’s say $350 per 1k. Is glossy a requirement??? Any thoughts??
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In my opinion you want glossy to present a professional look. I have done both and the glossy seemed to have a better ROI
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In my pricing for sales in Canada (sorry I do not sell menus in the US) there is no difference in price between matte finish and gloss finish…It is only when you go to UV (high gloss) is there an extra charge…

If you are using a local printer they may not be able to offer gloss or high gloss because their presses may not have that capability…It is basically an extra process to spray a thin coat of liquid on the printed sheets…
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So I did some research…vista print can do 8.5 X 11 tri fold menus standard glossy for 13.3 cents ea at 5k Looks like I can make and EDDM for around $320.00 per 1k. That’s about as cheap you can get.

USPS EDDM/VistaPrint 18.7 + 13.3 cents= 32 cents.
USPS EDDM/MailShark 18.7 + 15.9 cents= 34.6

VP - 8.5 x 11 Tri Fold Glossy
MS - 10.5 x 17 Tri-Fold Glossy

This is print only and deliver material yourself to post office.
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So I did some research…vista print can do 8.5 X 11 tri fold menus standard glossy for 13.3 cents ea at 5k Looks like I can make and EDDM for around $320.00 per 1k. That’s about as cheap you can get.

USPS EDDM/VistaPrint 18.7 + 13.3 cents= 32 cents.
USPS EDDM/MailShark 18.7 + 15.9 cents= 34.6

VP - 8.5 x 11 Tri Fold Glossy
MS - 10.5 x 17 Tri-Fold Glossy

This is print only and deliver material yourself to post office.
Just make sure Who ever prints them adds the EDDM Retail Indicia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I have always thought with EDDM you have in the US ut is quite an “ordeal”…In Canada, no addresses or indicia is required…No special sizes and/or special paper required…No permit required…You can just show up at the post office with your bundles and the postal workers will help you fill out the paperwork and collect your payment…
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My plan is to send out menu’s to local community. I’m going to have MailShark design/print and I will do EDDM. I noticed that MA only does glossy print. 5k Costs around 16 cents a piece I recall. If I add the 18.7 cents for USPS EDDM. Let’s say $350 per 1k. Is glossy a requirement??? Any thoughts??
Hi Dimitri99 I’m familiar with EDDM. Glossy is not a requirement, but it is nice to have on one side because it makes the pictures look better. I’ve worked with a company that does EDDM and they were able to do everything for me, and mail 5000 big postcard pieces cost for about $1769 and they were willing to split it into two drops. that included the art and design. postage, prep and everything. They also have a trifold menu option that is only about .01 cent more
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