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Makeline Itemization - CHEESE!

Hello guys and gals, just my opinion on this,diced mozz.w/ the raindrop affect is to me hands down the most accurate and fastest way possible to bang out pies in a busy establishment.I couldn’t even fathom taking the time out to put chse.,ect…on a scale before every pizza order!I’ve been in da bizz 17 years in very busy places and I never seen that.Not saying it ‘can’t’ work.Guess I’m just an ole dawg…Ruff…lol
Okay, next time you make a pie, grab a stopwatch. If you hand toss, don’t time until the dough is ready. From sauce to oven time it. My cooks were pushing 45 seconds weighing everything on a 3 topping pizza. That’s one guy making the whole thing. My cooks are trained to scale everything everytime.
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Of course, it’s been a bit of a debate as to which way is the best way to portion pizzas… namely the cheese. I’ve re-discovered a way to cheese a pizza, and though it’s not completely accurate (and to those of you who want complete accuracy with the amount of cheese put on the pizzas I challenge you to make every pizza the exact same size - down to a fraction of an inch - and have the same sauce border - also down to a fraction of an inch - in order to achieve truly consistent results)… and it’s fast. Read on and I’ll explain.

I went to Wal Mart the other day. In the baking section of the store I found stainless steel measuring cups made by Farberwear. This package contained cups in 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1 cup sizes if I’m not mistaken. They all had handles wrapped in a black plastic. The price is around $8.

I went back to the store and pulled the handle off the 1 cup size measuring cup (by twisting it back and forth until the rivets snapped off). I spread the cheese over the pizzas with the old Papa John’s style method and couldn’t recall why I ever abandoned this approach. Here are my measurements:

…size…regular cheese…extra cheese…

10" pizza…1 cup…1 1/2 cups…
12" pizza…1 1/2 cups…2 cups…
14" pizza…2 cups…3 cups…
16" pizza…3 cups…4 cups…

It worked great and it’s extremely easy to train people how to use this method. It keeps speed in mind while still accounting for consistency and accuracy. Any comments, suggestions, or ideas?

How many ounces of your cheese are in the 1 cup ?
I think it must be around 4 or 5 ounces because I use 4 ounces on my 10".
Sounds like a more practical way to do it.
thank you J_r0k,

That IS a problem. Everyone will tell us we’re nuts, but I LOVE my in-store shred. I have a very unique blend, and the labor is worth it - both in terms of the cheese quality I can get, and the cost.
Consistency of the shred is indeed an issue for portioning. I don’t have a simple solution - though weight would be the most accurate…
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We just feed one stick of Mozz and one stick of Cheddar through the chute together and it comes out blended the other end. The shredder blade is spinning at a fast speed hence the uniform shred / blend.

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is there much variation in weight doing it that way. for example, during the summer months when the cheese is affected by the humidity, does that cup weigh more and thus use more cheese using that method, or is it minimal enough to not worry about it?
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when I was at pizza hut we used different cups for every size pizza. I don’t know the measurements or how many oz were in each cup. but the way we trained our crew members was to fill the cups with their hands and take their finger and run it across the top. If you scoop cheese into the cups you won’t get a consistant measurement each time, also if you shake the cup you won’t get the same measurement each time.
Using Big Dave’s Method where do you store all the FILLED cheese cups?
we used 2 store 'em in dough trays…stacked a few high…get a tall cup (I got mine @ Wal-Mart 2 colors 4 2 amts)

put I now prefer/use diced & we use a certain size cup, filled X’s for various sizes…much faster & more efficient IMHBAO
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I measured how many ounces are in 1 cup, it is 8 oz. 2 cups of cheese for a large will mean 16 oz., much more than I ever did. Am I missing something?
Did you reset the scale when you put the cup on it? 8oz is liquid ounces. If memory served me correcct 9oz of cheese fit in a 6 oz cub. So it would be around 11oz per cup
Actually guys, it’s exactly the opposite. As the Guest eluded to, the 8 oz. cup is liquid ounces. One 8 oz. cup of cheese… hold on, I’ll got weigh it (I’m playing with portioning at my store right now as a matter of fact)…

One cup is consistently between 3 7/8 oz. and 4 oz. of cheese. Two cups for a large pizza (14")will equate to 8 oz. of cheese.

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Well, I must say thank you very much j_r0kk. To make a long story short(er) I am opening up my take-out only pizza place hopefully by August and I was having alot of difficulties with the whole cheese portion thing during my “trial” pizza making. I was a free thrower until I tried the whole cup/fingers/shaking way that j_r0kk talked about. I though why not? I’ll give it a try. It worked great! I bet I seriously used 1/2 the amount of cheese I normally do. It’s really all about the even distribution. Before I just kept going until it looked about right. Thanks again. I LOVE all the information that you guys all share with everyone.
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