Malt in pizza dough


Active member
I came across some old files in my dads belongings, he once used to buy it apparently for the pizza dough, does anyone know anything about malt, how much to use in a 50# bag of pizza flour.

I could not find any recipes that he had, obviously I can not ask him, I looked at the flour I purchase and talked with my supplier our flour does not contain any malt
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I used to use malt in my dough. It makes the crust brown a little better. It was difficult to work with because I could only get the syrup. I eventually just took it out of the recipe and used sugar.
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We use malt in our dough - well, technically we use “Diamalt - Dried Malt Product” it looks a lot like light brown flour. For a 50LB bag of flour, we would use 8 oz. It does function like sugar does, although we add both to each batch. I’ve been told that people that use Malt in their dough are usually using an old “Shakey’s Pizza” recipe, which makes sense as my location started as a Shakey’s, 55 years ago. (A little before my time…)
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I talked with my supplier about pricing omg…$89 for a 50# bag WOW…maybe I will look around town for just a small bag and try it on a sample batch before even thinking about such a big purchase.

Just spoke to my supplier this morning, they say that they can not sample out what they call “Bakers Malt” and can price me at $78 - 50#. If I want they can send a rep to the store to talk to me about it Mmm…
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Just make sure the malt that you are using is a NONDIASTATIC (non enzyme active) malt product. A diastatic form of malt can be used at about 0.25 to 0.5% of the total flour weight if you are using a “natural” un-malted flour. Nondiastatic malt is just another form of sugar, but it also provides a unique flavor at higher levels, the flavor is best described as that of candy malted milk balls. You will know if the malt is diastatic or nondaistatic by the time you are finished mixing the dough. If the dough is sticky you have a diastatic malt.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
Just make sure the malt that you are using is a NONDIASTATIC (non enzyme active) malt product. A diastatic form of malt can be used at about 0.25 to 0.5% of the total flour weight if you are using a “natural” un-malted flour. Nondiastatic malt is just another form of sugar, but it also provides a unique flavor at higher levels, the flavor is best described as that of candy malted milk balls. You will know if the malt is diastatic or nondaistatic by the time you are finished mixing the dough. If the dough is sticky you have a diastatic malt.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Tom, Yes my flour I have is un-malted, according to smeagol8, says they us it at a ratio of 8oz per 50#, does that sound about right and would I eliminate my sugar in place of the malt??
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That sounds like a diastatic malt. Contact the manufacturer or check the bag label to make sure. If it is a diastatic malt it may contribute to a small amount of browning. When using a non0diastatic malt you can add as much as you want to get the desired level of crust browning.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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It’s on it’s way Daisy. UPS. Should be there next Friday or Saturday. I sent a copy of everything it says on the label for you, but it did not mention diastatic or nondiastatic. (Our dough is NOT sticky, at any time. Quite the reverse, in fact)
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It’s on it’s way Daisy. UPS. Should be there next Friday or Saturday. I sent a copy of everything it says on the label for you, but it did not mention diastatic or nondiastatic. (Our dough is NOT sticky, at any time. Quite the reverse, in fact)
Thanks, I will be looking for to trying this 🙂
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Received the malt THANKS “smeagol8”

You state you use 8oz per 50# of flour ?? how much sugar are you using as well ??

Tom, you state that it can be used at a percentage of .25% - .5% per 50# ?, if my calculations (formula) are correct that would put me at 2oz at low percentage is this without using sugar or does that matter ??

Im going to make a test batch this week with just 25#lb of flour and see how well I like it.

After hearing the price of malt, I might just see if my supplier can get me flour with malt added.

I was actually talking to my parents friend who use to make our dough back in the days, and she said that we never used sugar in the dough, some how over the yrs sugar was implemented into the dough, I have no clue as to how or why, possibly happened after my dad had sold the shop to the manager at the time, then when I finally took it back over some things had changed, then I changed them back the way my dad did them, with the exception of the dough and a couple other small things

I know from researching malt, that not only does it help in promoting browning, but it also gives the crust a bit more chew…After doing some other research, my supplier from back 6 yrs ago, the flour we got had malt in it, and our crust was great, then after switching suppliers a few times we ended up with using bouncer flour with no malt, and I really had to play around with the levels of salt, sugar, yeast & flour too get our dough back to normal, because the crust just seemed to dense and not much chew.
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You MUST know what type of malt you are using. If it is non-daistatic malt you can use almost as much as you want since it is then something of a replacement for sugar in the dough formula, just be aware of the malty flavor it imparts, BUT if it is a diastatic malt (enzyme active) you are limited to using not much more than 0.5% due to the development of stickiness in the dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom it is a diastatic malt, I will use the lowest percentage and cut my sugar back by that much, Im going to just due a 1/2 batch and go from there. below is the tech sheet on it




Diastatic malt is a free flowing product, formulated to provide an economical combination of
enzymatic activity, sweetness and appealing crust color to baked goods.
All materials shall be of edible grade, clean, sound wholesome and free from extraneous matter.
Product shall be prepared following Good Manufacturing Practices and shall comply with the
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, as amended and with regulations issues pursuant
to this act.
24000, 60°Linter: Malted barley flour, dextrose, wheat flour.
24100, 20°Linter: Wheat flour, dextrose, malted barley flour
Parameter Specification Test Method Reference
pH 4.9-5.9 AOAC 945.10
Solids 88-95% AOAC 960.18
Enzyme Activity 60° Lintner,
Product Code 24000
Not less than 60° Lintner AOAC 945.24
Enzyme Activity 20° Lintner
Product Code 24100
Not less than 20° Lintner AOAC 945.24
Parameter Specification Test Method Reference
Salmonella Neg/375g BAM CH 6
Total Plate Count <500,000/g BAM CH 4
Yeast <75,000/g BAM CH 19
Mold <10,000/g BAM CH 19
Packaging: Multiwall paper bags
Recyclable Material: Yes
Item Number Units per Bag C
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Since it’s a diastatic malt you will be converting some of the starch to sugar so I would probably cut my sugar in half for starters.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
Since it’s a diastatic malt you will be converting some of the starch to sugar so I would probably cut my sugar in half for starters.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Will do Tom, THANKS, will let you know how it turns out, I actually talked with my supplier today, and he said they can actually get me hi gluten pizza flour with the malt already in it, going to sample some they have about 8 different brands, think it maybe a bit less costly, highest cost of 50# bag is $17.05, will see the difference between adding it myself vs already mixed into flour
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Well its been 2 weeks now since I have been using the malt at 2.4oz per 50#, made a real difference in the final product, I had a 50# bag of sample flour my supplier gave me called Kyrol flour with malt already added, I will say adding the malt myself was better, the Kyrol flour final results made my dough seem real soft, not much texture at all.
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Ok I did a comparison on cost with malt vs no malt, here is a side by side screen shot of our info, seems like something is wrong, because we are adding an ingredient and cost went down, I know we are deleting 6oz of sugar, but seems like the cost should go up slightly, am I missing something here or is it what it is??
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You reduced the cost of your sugar by .2664 and added the cost of your malt by .2342 which gives you a reduction in cost of .0322. So your charts are accurate.
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