Manager Checklists: Opening, Closing and Daily Operations checklist

Something on a letter-sized sheet, or something that prints on your till open/till close/end of day tickets?

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I would be interested in one on a.letter size sheet also if someone has one to share.

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The best way to get this check list is to “follow” someone that is doing everything and write it down as it is done. Each store or location is going to have some differences so a list must be customized to that store.

I have a list on the side of my cooler that has items that must be done and a space for the employee to initial that it was completed. There are things that can be done during the slow times and other things that must be done after closing.

I also have a list that I go through as I am leaving the store at the end of the night. Things like make sure the safe is locked and the till drawers are open (a thief will break open a till drawer even when there is no money).
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