Menu request and/or swap


New member
Hello all - this is Nick’s wife here. Nick has been sharing a lot of the great information he has learned from you guys on the boards!

You may know we are preparing to reopen soon…and our decor will reflect our interest in promoting ‘mom and pop’ businesses, especially other independent pizzerias and Italian/Mediterranean restaurants.

To that end, we will be asking customers to visit pizzerias whenever they travel, and bring in To Go menus from places they visit.

In the meantime, we were wondering if any of you guys would be willing to get our collection started by mailing To Go menus to us. Whenever we hear someone mention having relatives in another city or going somewhere on business, we can point out the menu of a pizzeria in that area and recommend a visit! Heck, we’ll also be happy to put links to your restaurant on our own site. (Course, all else being equal, we mostly want to do this with folks who are at least sixty miles away from us. If you want one of our menus in return we’ll be happy to send one.<<<NICK: long distance is even more fun and adds to our 'catalog.>>>

Send menus to Nick and Kim Sasso, 21 Smith Street, Grantville, GA 30220. I don’t get on the boards much, so if you have questions about our project feel free to email me [email protected].

buona fortuna su voi

<<NICK’s P.S.: we’d really be twice as appreciative to have two copies. One for our display and one for a ‘travelogue’ for people planning to travel from here out to everywhere>>
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I have new menus coming within the next week, and I will gladly send you out a couple!
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Hello Nick and Kim,1st of all good luck on your opening and this is an awesome idea I would be honored to send you a couple of menus from here in the Phila. area.
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Use this address to mail to:

Nick’s Pizzeria
PO Box 638
Grantville, GA 30220

We’ll ship ours out to anyone who wants them, as soon as printer gets them back to us. It could be a couple more weeks . . . or three. We all know how print jobs can get delayed sometimes.
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You’ve hit the jackpot. I like the ideas of t-shirts and menus so much, I went through my files of pizzerias I have been to and am going to send you some menus from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the UK, Canada and a bunch from all across the US…Just be sure to put a copy of PMQ’s Pizza Magazine right beside them (lol…jk).
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Tom Boyles:
You’ve hit the jackpot. I like the ideas of t-shirts and menus so much, I went through my files of pizzerias I have been to and am going to send you some menus from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the UK, Canada and a bunch from all across the US…Just be sure to put a copy of PMQ’s Pizza Magazine right beside them (lol…jk).
Didn’t even have to ask! We’ll put our copy in our waiting area every month . . . after we’ve read it through thoroughly of course. We might have to put a bookcase out when our waiting line gets so long that customers need reading matericals . . . we’ll put our collection of PMQ magazines since we opened. We can get them bound or in little magazine covers like a dentist’s office 🙂
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Your package is on the way to Nick and Kim Sasso, 21 Smith Street, Grantville, GA 30220. Send me a few pics once you get everything together.
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Great idea ! I’ll be sending you a couple as well.

Just a thought, but, anyone up for some profit swapping ? I’d be happy to provide you with an address for that ! 😃
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I’d be happy to send you one of ours as well as a fun one my mother sent me from Iceland for one of the “big 3”. What a fun idea!
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