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Mercury Payment and Point of Success, I GOT ISSUES HERE!

Just out of curiosity Integraoligist, Does your CC processing run over the phone or thru your internet ? And if it is thru the interenet, have you ever modified your DNS provider in your router/modem ?

The reason i ask, when i used to work IT, our VPN’s would not work in CO because the local DNS provider thru comcast had broken routes in their tables. Sometimes you could get a connection, sometimes not. I had this same problem happen randomly at my store, once i tracked the problem down to Revention CC manager not being able to get a good route, i modified the DNS entry in the router to use googles DNS, and then it worked perfectly (which was about a year ago now, never had the issue again).
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Yes it’s through the internet and yes we have always used Googles and and never had an any internet issue.
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Well from what i have read, i would agree with you that it is them. If they do not have another server to contact i guess it would be time to find a new one.
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