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Microworks prism system


New member
I have been using National systems since 1993. They don’t sell systems any more. I have looked at Revention but their system will not do my pricing.
I like the Microworks prism system from what I have seen. Before I check into their system any further does any one have any comments, GOOD or BAD on their system.
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In a little over two months, we will have been running Prism for 10 years. No complaints. We have been through three generations of the software and two of hardware in that time. The customer service is outstanding. Menu flexibility and pricing options are everything we have ever needed. Tech support is first class. Credit card and caller ID integration are smooth.

When these machines reach the end of the line, we will be going with them again. Feel free to PM me with specific questions.
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Oh yeah… we have a six station, touch screen configurataion. Three order stations, make-line, driver and manager stations.
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I don’t know of any owner operators who love their pos system. They can frustrate the hell out of you, they sometimes crash at the worst possible times, but we can’t live without them. We have been using Prism for close to 10 years. We look at other systems occasionally but I feel we get the most for our money with prism. From install to updates, customer support is top notch. You can pay less, you can pay more but I don’t believe you can get better value or better service. Reports are great, caller id is a must, and credit card processing becomes much less of a hassle. I would recommend you go to a store that has whatever system you are considering and see it firsthand. So much different than an online demo or a tradeshow demo. I can recommend microworks without hesitation!
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I commented on Prism on your post in the POS forum before I saw this one. As I said there, I highly recommend you look at it further as I have been very happy using it for a little over a year. I would agree with both perfect pizzas and bodegahwy in that the customer support are first class and I do not see any reason I will look to other systems while I continue in the pizza business.
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i have been with prism for almost 10 years no complaints, first class all the way around…any questions pm me
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Revention called me today and said they wanted to write the code that will make their system work with my pricing. Talked to sales rep and they need 60 days to make the changes. Changes should allow the system to look at three level pricing for both pick up and delivery. For anyone looking for a system that uses three level pricing for both pick up and delivery I will keep you updated. Also said it would take 120 days to have Internet ordering working with this pricing.
Will give them the time they asked for. Hope all works out.
Check back in a few weeks for updates.

For all those who posted input on the Prism system, I thank you. I will give Revention a chance. If it doesn’t work out then I will look again at Prism
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