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Minimum wage increase in NY

I think a lot of people are assuming that they are going to have a huge increase of quality employees now that they are offering 15 dollars an hour for jobs that were once worth 7.25… Sure if you wanted to pay 15 bucks an hour today for a job that has a wage of 7.25 I’d agree you would have the pick of the litter, but I don’t see that happening if every other business will be paying the same 15 for the same exact “entry level” jobs.

I’ve read it more than once. “We’ll get the best of the best.” “We will be quick to let people go”, but it seems like unless you currently have a huge line of quality employees wanting the job at the current minimum wage, or you are going to pay over the 15 an hour once the increase happens, you’re in the same spot you were before the raise, hell maybe even a worse one. After all, 15 dollars an hour will be the MINIMUM wage. Everyone saying they hate/don’t pay the minimum wage will have to keep that business plan and pay above (18-32 an hour?) minimum wage.

Seems silly to not “worry” about this. If you think that people will have no problem paying more for a pizza, why not raise it now? Because there is the assumption that everyone will have to raise their prices also, thus making you just as competitive as before? What if that doesn’t happen? What if your main competitor manages to find a way to raise his prices half of what you had to raise yours? Or even worse, none at all?

Sure a lot of people will be getting wage increases and will have a bit more spending cash, but a lot won’t, especially if your marketing wealthier people already. Your customers who were already getting paid more than 15 bucks an hour will only see the increase of your prices. They could care less as to why. After all, their wages most likely didn’t double over the course like the minimum wage guys did.

Higher wages = more expensive products. This post is a perfect example. Everyone will be raising prices so there is no debating that. So what is the purpose of raising wages? More jobs? Doubtful… More cash in people’s pockets? Sure, but most necessities will be more expensive and probably cancel that out. My guess would be more taxes generated. The government will benefit the most out of a wage increase. But hey, they deserve it, right?
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Higher wages = more expensive products. This post is a perfect example. Everyone will be raising prices so there is no debating that. So what is the purpose of raising wages? More jobs? Doubtful… More cash in people’s pockets? Sure, but most necessities will be more expensive and probably cancel that out. My guess would be more taxes generated. The government will benefit the most out of a wage increase. But hey, they deserve it, right?
That is exactly it!
There’s that rule of “Unintended Consequences” coming back to bite everyone in the butt!
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Here in Washington we don’t have a tip credit so if a person makes $9.62 an hour plus tips you can’t pay them less in a city called SeaTac they implemented a $15 an hour minimum wage and the people working in restaurants are actually making less now because suddenly the 9.95 Burger is 13.95 and they look at the server and sat you get 15 bucks an hour and now I don’t need to tip you so some of the restaurant employees are making less money. Our minimum wage goes up automaticly every year by what ever inflation is. Its now 9.62 an hr. The other day I made a burger run for a coworker it was 17.62 with tax for a Whopper, A Bacon whopper with cheese. A large fry and a meduim Onion Ring. No beverages it would have been just over $21.00 with two Meduim Sodas.
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Here in Washington we don’t have a tip credit so if a person makes $9.62 an hour plus tips you can’t pay them less in a city called SeaTac they implemented a $15 an hour minimum wage and the people working in restaurants are actually making less now because suddenly the 9.95 Burger is 13.95 and they look at the server and sat you get 15 bucks an hour and now I don’t need to tip you so some of the restaurant employees are making less money. Our minimum wage goes up automaticly every year by what ever inflation is. Its now 9.62 an hr. The other day I made a burger run for a coworker it was 17.62 with tax for a Whopper, A Bacon whopper with cheese. A large fry and a meduim Onion Ring. No beverages it would have been just over $21.00 with two Meduim Sodas.
Minn wage is 9.47 in WA but still high
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Big companies can afford to automate much easier than the independents. We will see many small businesses close their doors as a result of gov’t intrusion into our businesses. The unintended consequences will be felt by every American. Progressives will do what they always do: in the name of helping the poor they will make the rich richer and the poor poorer. We can thank them for the state of our big cities right now. With the artificial wage increases, this state will spread out from the cities. Another step towards more and more Americans working for the big corporations because they have politicians in their pockets; or else dependent on the gov’t (taxpayers) for their food stamps. Very sad what is happening to this amazing country.
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In California the wage increases are union sponsored. Their main goal is to put restaurants and other non union companies out of business. It has nothing to with raising wages of the working poor. They just use that tag line to get the people all worked up about it. These same unions will also demand an exemption to the wage floors in the coming years. It will be under the radar but it will happen.
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I thought i read that the law they passed already exempted unions or they had some special consideration in what they had to pay.
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I thought i read that the law they passed already exempted unions or they had some special consideration in what they had to pay.
Certain cities have union exemptions. They tried to get the state to exempt them but the Guv vetoed that provision. They will just go back and put it thru next year when no one is looking.
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Yeah unions pushing $15 an hr wages and wanting exemptions so they can pay $10 an hr and then employers will hire their workers for less and the unions will have more dues paying members they really are helping the little guy arent they.
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