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Mixing Dough in Hobart HL80 Mixer


We’re opening a new shop and I’ve committed and bought a used Hobart HL800 80 qt mixer. It came with only a 40 qt step-down bowl so I have to buy a bowl and dough hook in either 80qt or 60qt for this machine. I’ve never used a 80 qt mixer & bowl for our pizza dough recipe so I’m wondering which size to buy. Will a 83lb batch of dough mix fine in an 80qt legacy bowl? 50# flour weight. We have a lot of flour splash/ spill from our 60 mixer bowls and that was the attraction to get an. 80 this time.
Is anyone using a 80qt?
no experience with 80qt but first thing I thought of was the added weight so that would be something I would think about. We went from a 60qt to 175qt spiral mixer doing double batches and it was different having to cut the dough out as opposed to swinging the bowl on the table and scooping out…good luck!
Yes, I’ve often thought about a spiral mixer also but never seriously. Double batches sounds like a real time saver in the kitchen but how to handle a 170lb dough ball after it’s mixed is a concern. And cleaning in place would be another experience. The 60 qt setup is what we’re all used to. Hoping to get some feedback on the pros and cons of using an 80 in addition to the added weight of the bowl and attachments. My research has the classic Hobart 60qt bowl @ 27lbs and the Legacy 60qt @ 47lbs and the Legacy 80qt @ 55lbs. That’s no easy task to lug around and throw in the 3bay to wash. These Legacy items aren’t cheap either.
I visited a famous pizzeria called Red Rose in Springfield, MA years ago and got a quick kitchen tour and will never forget seeing their 140qt (?) doing 100lbs flour and them using a chain hoist to the roof purlins to get it onto the cut table.