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MM PS360 Making some odd noise... ideas?


New member
So over the past few days my upper PS360 (never use the lower) has been making some noise. Thought it was the neighbors at the gas stations across the street sawing concrete which sounded like it was coming through the hood system… NOPE, IT’S THE OVEN.

Like I said, it sounds like someone cutting concrete… it lasts for about a minute then stops for about 20-30 minutes or so, then happens again.

Is this the fan(s) out of balance doing this or what is the issue? And how can I fix it?

Thanks all!
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My guess: A bearing on the motor shaft going bad. Although, do your bearings have a grease fittings or are they sealed? Might just need a shot of grease.
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It is more than likely the burner blower motor.

Open the panel where the gas valves are and keep it open. Next time you hear it, see if it is coming from the burner blower.

If it is, it will get worse over time - until at some point it will bind up and the oven will stop heating. It is pretty easy to replace, you can pick one up from Cyb Tec and do it yourself in < 30 minutes.
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Yep. Seems like blower motor to me. Project took a lot longer than half hour though and motor cost about $600.
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Yep. Seems like blower motor to me. Project took a lot longer than half hour though and motor cost about $600.
Except I didn’t say blower motor. I said burner blower motor, not main blower motor.

Sitting on top of the burner box there is a blower motor. It has the air adjustment disc on it. Looks like a turbocharger. Just open the gas train access panel and you will see it.

I can replace one in 10 minutes, but I’ve done it probably 6 or 7 times. Motor should be <$100.
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Ahh… we have never had one of those go bad. Need to be cleaned, yes, replaced, no. On our ovens though if you open the panel, the over shuts down.

We have had to replace a main blower motor though. It also made intermittent noises while it was about to fail. Job took more like 3 hours and involved climbing into the oven so it could not be done while the store was open.

Wondering why the OP never uses the other oven though? We try to alternate days between our ovens when we are not busy enough to need both.
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Normally, on regular 360’s, the control section is separate from the gas train section, and the safety switch is only on the control section.

On 360 WB’s, it is all one section, and you can’t open and keep it running without pulling the safety switch.

I assumed the OP was using regular 360’s.

I’ve been lucky enough to only have to replace 1 main blower motor. And lucky that I’m a small guy. 🙂

A lot of blower motor issues can be “fixed” with a $9 can of electrical contact cleaner.
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We have one double stack of WB’s. I love the width, but they have never really cooked “right”.

Hey, Integraoligist, where you at? Did you get eaten by the oven noise monster? 🙂
Have you tried moving the fingers around? moving the top finger placement has a massive effect on how the pizzas cook and the temp they cook at. I have messed with mine a bunch and i finally got them where i like it. I have changed fingers so many times i can do it with the oven still hot, Burner off of course but blowers still running, only takes about 5 minutes to do so once you know what your doing

also the WB model have an Air baffle adjustment next to the conveyor motors they are supposed to be welded in place however both my WBs weld had broken when i got them and needed to be re adjusted also. It effects how much air goes to the top fingers and the bottom fingers

Only WB and EWB’s have this from my understanding. It can be a pain to get correct
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We have not had troubles with our WB ovens cooking correctly except when the fingers were re-installed incorrectly after cleaning once. I agree with Joker… you can probably correct whatever is wrong with some experimentation. Do you have the manuals for the oven?
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The issue has always been a cooking difference from front to back. Honestly, I haven’t really messed with it too much - it could very well be an issue with the baffles inside the fingers. I might take a look this week.
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If it is cooking hotter in the back it may be that the hot air is not being forced all the way out the fingers. When we had that problem it was because the oven had been put back together wrong after cleaning and the spacers were in backwards in some cases and there was a “leak” that was letting hot air out rather than being forced through the fingers.

Then there was the time I found one of the spacers in our parts box… and when I asked about it my assistant manager that had cleaned the oven told me that that part was “extra” when they put the oven back together… yes, really.
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If it is cooking hotter in the back it may be that the hot air is not being forced all the way out the fingers.
Yep, hotter in the back for sure. I’ll have a look at it this week and see, honestly it has been in the back of my mind for a few years…lol… Now I have some motivation to have a look… 🙂

And wait, I thought having extra parts when putting something back together is normal?
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Sort of nothing… the next day when I read to open the panel and see if the noise was coming from there, it stopped. Noise has not came back since. So I guess we just need to sit and wait until it starts happening again so we can trace it down.

I’m sure we need to clean the burner blower motor as the inside of these used 360s are completely covered in crap. Just take a de-greaser and a brush to everything or what?

As for the comments above about the fingers, apparently we have the bad “Turbo” fingers and need them swapped out. When I opened each of one them about 80% of them the little metal pan (baffle?) was either laying on the bottom, or hanging on by one rivet. I re riveted all of them in their correct positions but it didnt help anything. Ours cooks our thicker hand tossed pizza at the front of the oven (by the window) perfectly (hottest at the window side) and the thin crusts at the back of the oven just about right as well… if we put thin crusts at the front, they get torched.
I’m guessing we do not want to change over to the normal fingers now because if we DO then there may not be a sweet spot for both types of crusts.
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It is more than likely the burner blower motor.

Open the panel where the gas valves are and keep it open. Next time you hear it, see if it is coming from the burner blower.

If it is, it will get worse over time - until at some point it will bind up and the oven will stop heating. It is pretty easy to replace, you can pick one up from Cyb Tec and do it yourself in < 30 minutes.
Well it looks like it’s finally happened because the top oven stopped heating yesterday.
Just want to verify this is the part # that I need and is the correct item, Cye Tek has it for $80, fantastic…

But, how do I verify that this is 100% the issue and nothing else? Is there a way to test this blower?

Thanks all!
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it could be a main blower motor

you should be able to open the big door and try to spin the burner blower by hand and see if its stuck or sticky feeling. Your going to spin the damper wheel out in order to get your finger in there, just remember how big the gap was before you spin it off the end of the motor

Over the past 7 years i have experienced just about every oven issue you can have with a ps360 and I’ve never called a repair company

i might as well be a repair man by now
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If the problem is that a blower motor needs replaced the price tag is closer to $800 for the part than it is to $80.
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