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Mobile Swipers

I just got an email from Square saying they are reducing their rates a “tiny” bit…Apparently due to a decrease in Interchange rates…
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Square features an off line mode…we’ve had up to 12 drivers, all with smart phones, out on the road…never had an issue…
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Last 3 months I’ve been hit with 5 chargebacks. All delivery keyed in credit card , we get imprint once delivered. We connected the dots, same group of people making the orders. Owners of cards ended up being out of state. They would use different delivery address but one time they tried to order in store, the fake cards wouldn’t work when swiped. Using Square or similar company would of helped. I saw Amazon mobile swiper with 2.5% rate but not sure if the reader was emv ready at Staples. I’m personally leaning towards trying square. They have a emv ready and mobile swiper . Really nothing to lose then A few bucks for swiper. Thanks for he tips here.
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I have a few Questions:

What are you guys close out procedures with mobile swipers? Since they don’t really integrate with the POS system and all…

What about online orders? Do you just disable the credit option or just accept them for online orders.

What if a driver doesn’t have a smartphone? Or he forgets it or the battery dies. Seems like you either have to be 100% mobile swipe or you’ll have to call the customer back for the card number when the driver without a phone is the one taking the delivery…
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below is another conversation I had with another member…it answers some of your Q’s…

you can do a few things…we use Point of Success as our POS & it is not neatly tied into Square, but as a former Auditor, its no big deal to me…We make the drivers responsible to keep the signed cc reciept POS spits out & they/we treat it as another form of cash when settling…you can also, I believe, see a recap of each reader, but I don’t do that unless there is an issue…on my check outs, say the driver delivered/sold $100, made 4 deliveries (we pay $1.50/delivery)…and we gave them a $20 bank, so they run their report, showing how many deliveries they made, and the total sales… so: $120 dues us -$6.00 for deliveries -$40 (total of all charge slips including tips) =$74 final cash due us… no signed cc slip = no credit & they are responsible… we ‘give’ them reader & make it their responsibility, as well as a pen…lol… very few problems overall…

All drivers have a smart phone…all drivers have gps…all drivers have car chargers…part of the job requirements…
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Took the plunge and have been using square for the past week. Its been great so far!
The issues so far for me have been
-not knowing which driver got what tip(I fixed this w/ help from patriotpizza by using the notes section.)

-making sure the drivers dont take the readers home with them or lose them(happened already last night)

-I dont know how to get around the customer who wants me to key in card over the phone bc someone else is picking it up for them. Or the parent who wants me to deliver to their children at home while theyre at work and the card is with them.

-Had an issue where a lady calls in a big order for an office(her boss is paying) driver gets there and is handed a cracked card with a worn down strip. It doesnt swipe. The driver has to manually enter the card number,then it asked for the zip code (the lady doesnt know it and replies “TELL YOUR BOSS WE DONT LIKE THIS” driver had to call and enter the card over the phone- so that sucked.
  • Worried about making the food then delivering it and the card gets denied at the door…
Most customers think it soo cool and I got a poistive feedback from a customer last night!
I was a square user back in 2011, I have looked at them again lately now that they say they offer live phone support. I made the phone call to make sure I still had a valid account, and after 27 minutes on hold without ever hearing a human voice, I gave up.

My problems with square were trying to get a F’ed up transaction fixed (a cashier overcharged a customer) with hopes of Square issuing a partial refund, that was not possible, the customer was not onsite, I found the discrepancy after closing, I could not contact the customer to let them know they had a refund coming, square would not let me do a partial refund without a card present, and in my support emials I kept getting canned response form letters, when I was finally contacted by a live person, I was told it was too late to do any refunds, but if I would have contacted them earlier, it could have been done! (can you say frustrating?)

then, after this debacle, Square wanted my personal social security number for the account, I refuse to do that because we are an S-Corp, I keep my personal and corporate finances totally separated, by using my personal SSN, I cannot keep that separation.

At the time, I used a single POS terminal with 2 drawers on it, trying to reconcile which CC transactions went with which cashier was very difficult.

If I decide to use them again for delivery so a card can be swiped at the customer location, it is doubtful the driver would have a decent data signal on their phone. (very rural area with sketchy cell service)

I like hearing that Square is working for them, but there is just too much bad history between them and I for me to feel comfortable using them again.
I will research the Mercury-Pay mobile reader if it helps improve our security, just not Square
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with Square, they d/l the app to their phone, but you must log in, privately…they then can’t access except to swipe at the door…easy to use & set up…you can see which driver swiped when etc…
You can have sub accounts for your employees and set the appropiate permissions for them. That way you don’t have to type in your credentials in each of your employees phones.
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