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I’d rather not say, I don’t want to get anyone mad at me for our prices that we have

I will say it’s not sysco or Roma foods and we are on the west coast

It took us years to get .13 over block cme price
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Thats understandable Joker, it helps though, as the pricing we got was through Sysco, very high compared to what everyone else is getting. We’re on the west coast as well, planning on opening up in the next 3 weeks or so!
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Hi All

Would you guys mind telling the board what brand of cheese you all use, as we all know the type of cheese you use also determines price.
I use 100% WM Wisconsin shred I buy from Sysco and pay .43 over block. I use about 5000lbs a week. I find it hard to believe how some of you are paying .13 and .17 cent over block, if i went to block I would save between .08-.10 lb.
My price is broken down like this .28.5 for overage .09 for freight .05 to sysco.
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Thats understandable Joker, it helps though, as the pricing we got was through Sysco, very high compared to what everyone else is getting. We’re on the west coast as well, planning on opening up in the next 3 weeks or so!
Where are you opening up at? we are in washington.

Also, how the hell are you going threw 5000lbs of cheese a week ALOTADOUGH? Thats much cheese would make about 150 large pizzas an hour 7 days a week, every single hour, being open 10 hours a day

thats nearly impossible, that would make your sales almost 600k a month!!!

We use DellaVita LMPS MOTZ (Hint Hint) The reason we pay .13 over block is because of how much cheese we buy a week
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I’d rather not say, I don’t want to get anyone mad at me for our prices that we have

I will say it’s not sysco or Roma foods and we are on the west coast

It took us years to get .13 over block cme price
Most of us will never be able to get a price like that because of freight. Guessing you’re in California? The block price on the CME includes 300 miles of freight, and then it starts adding up. I’m hoping with more volume I can get another penny, but I doubt I’ll ever do better than 16 + block until I’m big enough to buy it directly from the dairy (a long way off, obviously).
Hi All

Would you guys mind telling the board what brand of cheese you all use, as we all know the type of cheese you use also determines price.
I use 100% WM Wisconsin shred I buy from Sysco and pay .43 over block. I use about 5000lbs a week. I find it hard to believe how some of you are paying .13 and .17 cent over block, if i went to block I would save between .08-.10 lb.
My price is broken down like this .28.5 for overage .09 for freight .05 to sysco.
Was that a typo, or do you really use 5000 pounds per week? Even if you were using 300 lbs per week you should have much better price on cheese… but at 5,000 you should be WAY lower.

Who gets the “overage”? The manufacturer makes their profit at the block price - that’s what they are selling it for. Then you have freight, and then Sysco wants a profit (and Sysco should not be making even 5 cents per pound on cheese for a pizzeria. The should be selling it to you at no profit in the hopes of getting your other items.)

You can get a much better price, even if it was a typo and you meant to type 500.
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Our food company actually looses money selling us cheese. Im not sure how much, but they sell it to us for less than they get it for, and they make it up on other items however cheese is the most used food cost item and it changes price the most out of any other item.

LOL we are in washington, but we do use 100% real california cheese, they even pay us to put that LOGO on our Pizza boxes!
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I think at 5000lbs a week a couple of things come too mind. First, why are you paying for shreaded and not just keeping a full-time cheese position on your payroll? Second, might even be a financially sound choice to actually have a couple of dairy cows on hand and just make it yourself! 😛 Yes, all sarcasm and I think it was a typo also. Maybe 500 pounds a week? :?:
That’s no typo guys (5000lbs) I use that much product. I opened my 6th store today. I had Saputo come in and bid it and they could’nt beat the price i’m paying, Grande’s been trying to get my business for years and they are around .90 over block. I have a call into my cheese buyer to find out why west coast cheese is priced differently than east coast cheese(specifically Wisconsin).
I sell about 16,000 pizza’s a month 10in, 18in, and 20in(18in is prob 80% of that total).
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I dont think it is entirely accurate to say that manufacturers make their profit at the block market price. Each manufacturer has their own costs. Some will sell a truckload\ fob at block market price. Some will sell a truckload below block market price. And some will sell truckloads above or even way above block market price. I doubt Grande would stay in business long selling cheese at block market price. Typically, california cheeses will sell slighly lower than wisconsin cheeses excluding freight. “Pizza Cheese” will sell lower than 100% mozzarella.
  Don't kid yourself into thinking there are not people using 5000 pounds of cheese/week.  The poster may have more than one store or he may have really high volume.  I have a friend who does 80k/week just out of his first shop and he has several other shops.  I have sold 8000 16" pizzas in one week out of 1000 sq ft delco shop back when I was in a college town.  In those days we averaged 4000-5000 16" pizzas per week and averaged 3000 pounds of cheese/week for 1 store. 

 Bottom line, find the cheese that works for you and negotiate the best "over block" price you can get.
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That’s no typo guys (5000lbs) I use that much product. I opened my 6th store today. I had Saputo come in and bid it and they could’nt beat the price i’m paying, Grande’s been trying to get my business for years and they are around .90 over block. I have a call into my cheese buyer to find out why west coast cheese is priced differently than east coast cheese(specifically Wisconsin).
I sell about 16,000 pizza’s a month 10in, 18in, and 20in(18in is prob 80% of that total).
Dam thats still alot of business for 5 stores!!! We have 18 Stores in washington state and we only use 7000lbs a week, give or take between the stores. Maybe we need to move to the east coast. Also we are mostly in small towns that average about 7-10k in population, with a few stores that are in bigger towns like 25-30k people
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That’s great biz. I’m in new jersey I got 2 locations just opened 2nd location 3 months ago
I’m doing about 12,000 pizzas a month
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Alotadough. I take it you are I love ny pizza.
Paid 201 for sorrento today. My quote for vantaggio was 203.
12000 pizzas a month. Damn. I’m lucky to sell 1200 a month.
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