We use - their 360 program…We have 2 lines coming over cable (Brighthouse) into a LinkSys phone Adapter (less than $40)…
My cable bill is $65 for 5 static I.P.'s (I run P.O.S./BigHoller on-line ordering too…)
I have it set to roll over to my cell as well & can add shift leader’s cell #'2 if needed…
I use the auto attendant as well…(press One to hear specials, press Two to place an order…)
I’ve only had one major outage in the past 14 months…
So 4 less than $200, I have an auto attend, an on-line order system, internet & phone - all easy to control…not one complaint about the auto-attend either…
The only thing I might do different is to send the 1st call to my cell #, then the store #'s (in case of another outage) &/or try the new 4G wireless programs they have out…
The quality of the phone is perfect (99% of the time) and the on-line system reduces the need for more lines/staff as well…
I’ve sat @ home & taken orders over the phone & set them thru the on-line system as well…works great when short-staffed & too far away to help…