My current delivery position coompensation

That was Gregster and I that brought FICA taxes into this, sorry. But to respond to Gregster, you’ll be disappointed to find out that none of my drivers will earn what I will this year. It’s just this crazy philosophy of mine that I should get a reasonable return on the hundreds of thousands of dollars that I have invested into my company that keeps me from dropping my income and raising theirs to the point that we have equal incomes. It must just be the capitalist in me. But don’t fear, maybe someday (probably soon) socialism will become the norm and government will take away every incentive I have to own a business and I’ll go back to delivering pizzas for a living again.
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I think it’s great that you make lots of money in your business Paul! I got no problem with that. I also don’t expect that your drivers make as much as you do. I do however think that delivery drivers should be paid at least minimum wage and full vehicle expenses. If the business is doing well, I would hope that the business pays the employees well as a reward for helping to make the business successful.

That said, what do new drivers get paid at your store? Is it at least minimum wage and 55 cents per mile? It sure sounds to me that you can afford at least that.
Daddio, were they independent contractors? Would you do the business again?
Charles not to further promote some of these idiotic posts, whether you are in business or work for someone, there are rules to follow. so for the purposes of clarity Daddio and I were saying that if you open your own delivery service it could be a good idea. If you want your drivers to be independent contractors then you would have to make sure they are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS under the law.

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Daddio, were they independent contractors? Would you do the business again?
Charles not to further promote some of these idiotic posts, whether you are in business or work for someone, there are rules to follow. so for the purposes of clarity Daddio and I were saying that if you open your own delivery service it could be a good idea. If you want your drivers to be independent contractors then you would have to make sure they are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS under the law.

The company I am working for definitely does that. We simply call in and say we are ready to deliver. We don’t meet anywhere. The schedule is one of reserving shifts you want to work. Not requiring it. Of course, if you reserve a shift and don’t show, you will not get any more shifts. 😃 We have to pay $15 a month to rent the catering bags but are free to buy our own. We sign a contract with them (that their attorney wrote up) that clearly explains the relationship. They are very careful to follow the IRS guidelines for IC. However, they told me they were more concerned about liability than taxation. Not sure I believe them on that one.
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Just interested how would you pitch the new business against the existing one you are working for now? What would be your angle?

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They are very entrenched in their existing model. They are charging the restaurants double what others in the industry are charging. Plus they market to the restaurants. I will market to the customers which will drive the restaurants to use me.

I am still iffy on the idea as I need to determine how I will implement online ordering.
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Our drivers make $7.25/hr, free delivery (no fees). The good ones average 35-45 hours/week (with over-time). They average between 15-30+ deliveries per day. Average tips per day around $115. The high being just over $200 and low being around $50+. They are simply the highest compensated workers in our business. One particular driver made more than $5K/mo this summer (working 5 days/week).

obtw: our CSRs also make $7.25/hr. They average about the same per day in tips as drivers. Its always a toss-up as to who makes the most.

One thing I’ve learned this year: never hire former PJ workers.
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That’s awsome that their tips are so good! Do you pay mileage also? How much?
Nope - zero mileage. 70% of the time, a company vehicle is used, 20% of the time - skateboard, and the rest their pov. One big reason, I think, for the awesome tips is the free delivery.

Sorry Charles, my last post on your thread.
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Well, to close out my thread, I am averaging $20 an hour for 5 hours and about 80 miles a day. All expenses come out of my end as an independent contractor. The work is very easy and much preferred to Pizza Hut as there are no store duties. Just pickup and deliver. It pays the bills but I still need to find a real job or start my own business. I essentially work a split shift with lunch and dinner rushes.
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Can you twits start your own thread rather than crapping on mine?
Heaven forbid I refer to anyone else here as a “twit”. :roll: